[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Backward compatibility
asflags-y  += $(EXTRA_AFLAGS)
ccflags-y  += $(EXTRA_CFLAGS)
cppflags-y += $(EXTRA_CPPFLAGS)
ldflags-y  += $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS)

# flags that take effect in current and sub directories
KBUILD_AFLAGS += $(subdir-asflags-y)
KBUILD_CFLAGS += $(subdir-ccflags-y)

# Figure out what we need to build from the various variables
# ===========================================================================

# When an object is listed to be built compiled-in and modular,
# only build the compiled-in version
obj-m := $(filter-out $(obj-y),$(obj-m))

# Libraries are always collected in one lib file.
# Filter out objects already built-in
lib-y := $(filter-out $(obj-y), $(sort $(lib-y) $(lib-m)))

# Determine modorder.
# Unfortunately, we don't have information about ordering between -y
# and -m subdirs.  Just put -y's first.
modorder	:= $(patsubst %/,%/modules.order, $(filter %/, $(obj-y)) $(obj-m:.o=.ko))

# Handle objects in subdirs
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# o if we encounter foo/ in $(obj-y), replace it by foo/built-in.o
#   and add the directory to the list of dirs to descend into: $(subdir-y)
# o if we encounter foo/ in $(obj-m), remove it from $(obj-m)
#   and add the directory to the list of dirs to descend into: $(subdir-m)
__subdir-y	:= $(patsubst %/,%,$(filter %/, $(obj-y)))
subdir-y	+= $(__subdir-y)
__subdir-m	:= $(patsubst %/,%,$(filter %/, $(obj-m)))
subdir-m	+= $(__subdir-m)
obj-y		:= $(patsubst %/, %/built-in.o, $(obj-y))
obj-m		:= $(filter-out %/, $(obj-m))

# Subdirectories we need to descend into
subdir-ym	:= $(sort $(subdir-y) $(subdir-m))

# if $(foo-objs), $(foo-y), or $(foo-m) exists, foo.o is a composite object
multi-used-y := $(sort $(foreach m,$(obj-y), $(if $(strip $($(m:.o=-objs)) $($(m:.o=-y))), $(m))))
multi-used-m := $(sort $(foreach m,$(obj-m), $(if $(strip $($(m:.o=-objs)) $($(m:.o=-y)) $($(m:.o=-m))), $(m))))
multi-used   := $(multi-used-y) $(multi-used-m)
single-used-m := $(sort $(filter-out $(multi-used-m),$(obj-m)))

# Build list of the parts of our composite objects, our composite
# objects depend on those (obviously)
multi-objs-y := $(foreach m, $(multi-used-y), $($(m:.o=-objs)) $($(m:.o=-y)))
multi-objs-m := $(foreach m, $(multi-used-m), $($(m:.o=-objs)) $($(m:.o=-y)))

# $(subdir-obj-y) is the list of objects in $(obj-y) which uses dir/ to
# tell kbuild to descend
subdir-obj-y := $(filter %/built-in.o, $(obj-y))

# Replace multi-part objects by their individual parts, look at local dir only
real-objs-y := $(foreach m, $(filter-out $(subdir-obj-y), $(obj-y)), $(if $(strip $($(m:.o=-objs)) $($(m:.o=-y))),$($(m:.o=-objs)) $($(m:.o=-y)),$(m)))
real-objs-m := $(foreach m, $(obj-m), $(if $(strip $($(m:.o=-objs)) $($(m:.o=-y)) $($(m:.o=-m))),$($(m:.o=-objs)) $($(m:.o=-y)) $($(m:.o=-m)),$(m)))

# If CONFIG_OF_ALL_DTBS is enabled, all DT blobs are built
extra-y				+= $(dtb-y)
extra-$(CONFIG_OF_ALL_DTBS)	+= $(dtb-)

# Add subdir path

extra-y		:= $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(extra-y))
always		:= $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(always))
targets		:= $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(targets))
modorder	:= $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(modorder))
obj-y		:= $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(obj-y))
obj-m		:= $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(obj-m))
lib-y		:= $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(lib-y))
subdir-obj-y	:= $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(subdir-obj-y))
real-objs-y	:= $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(real-objs-y))
real-objs-m	:= $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(real-objs-m))
single-used-m	:= $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(single-used-m))
multi-used-y	:= $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(multi-used-y))
multi-used-m	:= $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(multi-used-m))
multi-objs-y	:= $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(multi-objs-y))
multi-objs-m	:= $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(multi-objs-m))
subdir-ym	:= $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(subdir-ym))

# These flags are needed for modversions and compiling, so we define them here
# $(modname_flags) defines KBUILD_MODNAME as the name of the module it will
# end up in (or would, if it gets compiled in)
# Note: Files that end up in two or more modules are compiled without the
#       KBUILD_MODNAME definition. The reason is that any made-up name would
#       differ in different configs.
name-fix = $(squote)$(quote)$(subst $(comma),_,$(subst -,_,$1))$(quote)$(squote)
basename_flags = -DKBUILD_BASENAME=$(call name-fix,$(basetarget))
modname_flags  = $(if $(filter 1,$(words $(modname))),\
                 -DKBUILD_MODNAME=$(call name-fix,$(modname)))

orig_c_flags   = $(KBUILD_CPPFLAGS) $(KBUILD_CFLAGS) \
                 $(ccflags-y) $(CFLAGS_$(basetarget).o)
_c_flags       = $(filter-out $(CFLAGS_REMOVE_$(basetarget).o), $(orig_c_flags))
orig_a_flags   = $(KBUILD_CPPFLAGS) $(KBUILD_AFLAGS) \
                 $(asflags-y) $(AFLAGS_$(basetarget).o)
_a_flags       = $(filter-out $(AFLAGS_REMOVE_$(basetarget).o), $(orig_a_flags))
_cpp_flags     = $(KBUILD_CPPFLAGS) $(cppflags-y) $(CPPFLAGS_$(@F))

# Enable gcov profiling flags for a file, directory or for all files depending
# (in this order)
_c_flags += $(if $(patsubst n%,, \

# Enable address sanitizer flags for kernel except some files or directories
# we don't want to check (depends on variables KASAN_SANITIZE_obj.o, KASAN_SANITIZE)
ifeq ($(CONFIG_KASAN),y)
_c_flags += $(if $(patsubst n%,, \
		$(KASAN_SANITIZE_$(basetarget).o)$(KASAN_SANITIZE)y), \

ifeq ($(CONFIG_UBSAN),y)
_c_flags += $(if $(patsubst n%,, \

ifeq ($(CONFIG_KCOV),y)
_c_flags += $(if $(patsubst n%,, \

# If building the kernel in a separate objtree expand all occurrences
# of -Idir to -I$(srctree)/dir except for absolute paths (starting with '/').

ifeq ($(KBUILD_SRC),)
__c_flags	= $(_c_flags)
__a_flags	= $(_a_flags)
__cpp_flags     = $(_cpp_flags)

# -I$(obj) locates generated .h files
# $(call addtree,-I$(obj)) locates .h files in srctree, from generated .c files
#   and locates generated .h files
# FIXME: Replace both with specific CFLAGS* statements in the makefiles
__c_flags	= $(if $(obj),$(call addtree,-I$(src)) -I$(obj)) \
		  $(call flags,_c_flags)
__a_flags	= $(call flags,_a_flags)
__cpp_flags     = $(call flags,_cpp_flags)

c_flags        = -Wp,-MD,$(depfile) $(NOSTDINC_FLAGS) $(LINUXINCLUDE)     \
		 $(__c_flags) $(modkern_cflags)                           \
		 $(basename_flags) $(modname_flags)

a_flags        = -Wp,-MD,$(depfile) $(NOSTDINC_FLAGS) $(LINUXINCLUDE)     \
		 $(__a_flags) $(modkern_aflags)

cpp_flags      = -Wp,-MD,$(depfile) $(NOSTDINC_FLAGS) $(LINUXINCLUDE)     \

ld_flags       = $(LDFLAGS) $(ldflags-y)

DTC_INCLUDE    := $(srctree)/scripts/dtc/include-prefixes

dtc_cpp_flags  = -Wp,-MD,$(depfile).pre.tmp -nostdinc                    \
		 $(addprefix -I,$(DTC_INCLUDE))                          \
		 -undef -D__DTS__

# Finds the multi-part object the current object will be linked into
modname-multi = $(sort $(foreach m,$(multi-used),\
		$(if $(filter $(subst $(obj)/,,$*.o), $($(m:.o=-objs)) $($(m:.o=-y))),$(m:.o=))))

# Useful for describing the dependency of composite objects
# Usage:
#   $(call multi_depend, multi_used_targets, suffix_to_remove, suffix_to_add)
define multi_depend
$(foreach m, $(notdir $1), \
	$(eval $(obj)/$m: \
	$(addprefix $(obj)/, $(foreach s, $3, $($(m:%$(strip $2)=%$(s)))))))


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LEX_PREFIX = $(if $(LEX_PREFIX_${baseprereq}),$(LEX_PREFIX_${baseprereq}),yy)

quiet_cmd_flex = LEX     $@
      cmd_flex = flex -o$@ -L -P $(LEX_PREFIX) $<

.PRECIOUS: $(src)/%.lex.c_shipped
$(src)/%.lex.c_shipped: $(src)/%.l
	$(call cmd,flex)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
YACC_PREFIX = $(if $(YACC_PREFIX_${baseprereq}),$(YACC_PREFIX_${baseprereq}),yy)

quiet_cmd_bison = YACC    $@
      cmd_bison = bison -o$@ -t -l -p $(YACC_PREFIX) $<

.PRECIOUS: $(src)/%.tab.c_shipped
$(src)/%.tab.c_shipped: $(src)/%.y
	$(call cmd,bison)

quiet_cmd_bison_h = YACC    $@
      cmd_bison_h = bison -o/dev/null --defines=$@ -t -l -p $(YACC_PREFIX) $<

.PRECIOUS: $(src)/%.tab.h_shipped
$(src)/%.tab.h_shipped: $(src)/%.y
	$(call cmd,bison_h)


# Shipped files
# ===========================================================================

quiet_cmd_shipped = SHIPPED $@
cmd_shipped = cat $< > $@

$(obj)/%: $(src)/%_shipped
	$(call cmd,shipped)

# Commands useful for building a boot image
# ===========================================================================
#	Use as following:
#	target: source(s) FORCE
#		$(if_changed,ld/objcopy/gzip)
#	and add target to extra-y so that we know we have to
#	read in the saved command line

# Linking
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

quiet_cmd_ld = LD      $@
cmd_ld = $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ldflags-y) $(LDFLAGS_$(@F)) \
	       $(filter-out FORCE,$^) -o $@

# Objcopy
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

quiet_cmd_objcopy = OBJCOPY $@
cmd_objcopy = $(OBJCOPY) $(OBJCOPYFLAGS) $(OBJCOPYFLAGS_$(@F)) $< $@

# Gzip
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

quiet_cmd_gzip = GZIP    $@
cmd_gzip = (cat $(filter-out FORCE,$^) | gzip -n -f -9 > $@) || \
	(rm -f $@ ; false)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
DTC ?= $(objtree)/scripts/dtc/dtc

# Disable noisy checks by default
DTC_FLAGS += -Wno-unit_address_vs_reg \
	-Wno-simple_bus_reg \
	-Wno-unit_address_format \
	-Wno-pci_bridge \
	-Wno-pci_device_bus_num \

DTC_FLAGS += -Wnode_name_chars_strict \

DTC_FLAGS += $(DTC_FLAGS_$(basetarget))

# Generate an assembly file to wrap the output of the device tree compiler
quiet_cmd_dt_S_dtb= DTB     $@
cmd_dt_S_dtb=						\
(							\
	echo '\#include <asm-generic/vmlinux.lds.h>'; 	\
	echo '.section .dtb.init.rodata,"a"';		\
	echo '.balign STRUCT_ALIGNMENT';		\
	echo '.global __dtb_$(subst -,_,$(*F))_begin';	\
	echo '__dtb_$(subst -,_,$(*F))_begin:';		\
	echo '.incbin "$<" ';				\
	echo '__dtb_$(subst -,_,$(*F))_end:';		\
	echo '.global __dtb_$(subst -,_,$(*F))_end';	\
	echo '.balign STRUCT_ALIGNMENT'; 		\
) > $@

$(obj)/%.dtb.S: $(obj)/%.dtb
	$(call cmd,dt_S_dtb)

quiet_cmd_dtc = DTC     $@
cmd_dtc = mkdir -p $(dir ${dtc-tmp}) ; \
	$(CPP) $(dtc_cpp_flags) -x assembler-with-cpp -o $(dtc-tmp) $< ; \
	$(DTC) -O dtb -o $@ -b 0 \
		$(addprefix -i,$(dir $<) $(DTC_INCLUDE)) $(DTC_FLAGS) \
		-d $(depfile).dtc.tmp $(dtc-tmp) ; \
	cat $(depfile).pre.tmp $(depfile).dtc.tmp > $(depfile)

$(obj)/%.dtb: $(src)/%.dts FORCE
	$(call if_changed_dep,dtc)

dtc-tmp = $(subst $(comma),_,$(dot-target).dts.tmp)

# Bzip2
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Bzip2 and LZMA do not include size in file... so we have to fake that;
# append the size as a 32-bit littleendian number as gzip does.
size_append = printf $(shell						\
dec_size=0;								\
for F in $1; do								\
	fsize=$$(stat -c "%s" $$F);					\
	dec_size=$$(expr $$dec_size + $$fsize);				\
done;									\
printf "%08x\n" $$dec_size |						\
	sed 's/\(..\)/\1 /g' | {					\
		read ch0 ch1 ch2 ch3;					\
		for ch in $$ch3 $$ch2 $$ch1 $$ch0; do			\
			printf '%s%03o' '\\' $$((0x$$ch)); 		\
		done;							\
	}								\

quiet_cmd_bzip2 = BZIP2   $@
cmd_bzip2 = (cat $(filter-out FORCE,$^) | \
	bzip2 -9 && $(call size_append, $(filter-out FORCE,$^))) > $@ || \
	(rm -f $@ ; false)

# Lzma
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

quiet_cmd_lzma = LZMA    $@
cmd_lzma = (cat $(filter-out FORCE,$^) | \
	lzma -9 && $(call size_append, $(filter-out FORCE,$^))) > $@ || \
	(rm -f $@ ; false)

quiet_cmd_lzo = LZO     $@
cmd_lzo = (cat $(filter-out FORCE,$^) | \
	lzop -9 && $(call size_append, $(filter-out FORCE,$^))) > $@ || \
	(rm -f $@ ; false)

quiet_cmd_lz4 = LZ4     $@
cmd_lz4 = (cat $(filter-out FORCE,$^) | \
	lz4c -l -c1 stdin stdout && $(call size_append, $(filter-out FORCE,$^))) > $@ || \
	(rm -f $@ ; false)

# U-Boot mkimage
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

MKIMAGE := $(srctree)/scripts/mkuboot.sh

# SRCARCH just happens to match slightly more than ARCH (on sparc), so reduces
# the number of overrides in arch makefiles
UIMAGE_COMPRESSION ?= $(if $(2),$(2),none)
UIMAGE_TYPE ?= kernel
UIMAGE_LOADADDR ?= arch_must_set_this

quiet_cmd_uimage = UIMAGE  $(UIMAGE_OUT)
      cmd_uimage = $(CONFIG_SHELL) $(MKIMAGE) -A $(UIMAGE_ARCH) -O linux \
			-T $(UIMAGE_TYPE) \

# XZ
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use xzkern to compress the kernel image and xzmisc to compress other things.
# xzkern uses a big LZMA2 dictionary since it doesn't increase memory usage
# of the kernel decompressor. A BCJ filter is used if it is available for
# the target architecture. xzkern also appends uncompressed size of the data
# using size_append. The .xz format has the size information available at
# the end of the file too, but it's in more complex format and it's good to
# avoid changing the part of the boot code that reads the uncompressed size.
# Note that the bytes added by size_append will make the xz tool think that
# the file is corrupt. This is expected.
# xzmisc doesn't use size_append, so it can be used to create normal .xz
# files. xzmisc uses smaller LZMA2 dictionary than xzkern, because a very
# big dictionary would increase the memory usage too much in the multi-call
# decompression mode. A BCJ filter isn't used either.
quiet_cmd_xzkern = XZKERN  $@
cmd_xzkern = (cat $(filter-out FORCE,$^) | \
	sh $(srctree)/scripts/xz_wrap.sh && \
	$(call size_append, $(filter-out FORCE,$^))) > $@ || \
	(rm -f $@ ; false)

quiet_cmd_xzmisc = XZMISC  $@
cmd_xzmisc = (cat $(filter-out FORCE,$^) | \
	xz --check=crc32 --lzma2=dict=1MiB) > $@ || \
	(rm -f $@ ; false)

# ASM offsets
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Default sed regexp - multiline due to syntax constraints
# Use [:space:] because LLVM's integrated assembler inserts <tab> around
# the .ascii directive whereas GCC keeps the <space> as-is.
define sed-offsets
	's:^[[:space:]]*\.ascii[[:space:]]*"\(.*\)".*:\1:; \
	/^->/{s:->#\(.*\):/* \1 */:; \
	s:^->\([^ ]*\) [\$$#]*\([^ ]*\) \(.*\):#define \1 \2 /* \3 */:; \
	s:->::; p;}'

# Use filechk to avoid rebuilds when a header changes, but the resulting file
# does not
define filechk_offsets
	(set -e; \
	 echo "#ifndef $2"; \
	 echo "#define $2"; \
	 echo "/*"; \
	 echo " * DO NOT MODIFY."; \
	 echo " *"; \
	 echo " * This file was generated by Kbuild"; \
	 echo " */"; \
	 echo ""; \
	 sed -ne $(sed-offsets); \
	 echo ""; \
	 echo "#endif" )


Name Type Size Permission Actions
basic Folder 0755
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Kbuild.include File 18.36 KB 0644
Lindent File 502 B 0755
Makefile File 1.9 KB 0644
Makefile.asm-generic File 1.17 KB 0644
Makefile.build File 20.68 KB 0644
Makefile.clean File 2.96 KB 0644
Makefile.dtbinst File 1.09 KB 0644
Makefile.extrawarn File 2.9 KB 0644
Makefile.gcc-plugins File 3.75 KB 0644
Makefile.headersinst File 3.98 KB 0644
Makefile.host File 6.23 KB 0644
Makefile.kasan File 1.09 KB 0644
Makefile.kcov File 201 B 0644
Makefile.lib File 15.25 KB 0644
Makefile.modbuiltin File 1.82 KB 0644
Makefile.modinst File 1.52 KB 0644
Makefile.modpost File 5.43 KB 0644
Makefile.modsign File 1.02 KB 0644
Makefile.ubsan File 1.07 KB 0644
adjust_autoksyms.sh File 3.09 KB 0755
asn1_compiler.c File 35.54 KB 0644
bloat-o-meter File 3.22 KB 0755
bootgraph.pl File 6.28 KB 0755
check_00index.sh File 1.3 KB 0755
check_extable.sh File 4.93 KB 0755
checkincludes.pl File 1.94 KB 0755
checkkconfigsymbols.py File 15.51 KB 0755
checkpatch.pl File 186.79 KB 0755
checkstack.pl File 5.49 KB 0755
checksyscalls.sh File 5.68 KB 0755
checkversion.pl File 1.9 KB 0755
cleanfile File 3.46 KB 0755
cleanpatch File 5.06 KB 0755
coccicheck File 7.24 KB 0755
config File 4.64 KB 0755
conmakehash.c File 5.98 KB 0644
const_structs.checkpatch File 964 B 0644
decode_stacktrace.sh File 3.82 KB 0755
decodecode File 2.3 KB 0755
depmod.sh File 1.94 KB 0755
diffconfig File 3.72 KB 0755
documentation-file-ref-check File 395 B 0755
export_report.pl File 4.55 KB 0755
extract-cert.c File 3.63 KB 0644
extract-ikconfig File 1.69 KB 0755
extract-module-sig.pl File 3.66 KB 0755
extract-sys-certs.pl File 3.75 KB 0755
extract-vmlinux File 1.6 KB 0755
extract_xc3028.pl File 44.6 KB 0755
faddr2line File 5.53 KB 0755
find-unused-docs.sh File 1.27 KB 0755
gcc-goto.sh File 530 B 0755
gcc-ld File 711 B 0755
gcc-plugin.sh File 1.06 KB 0755
gcc-version.sh File 857 B 0755
gcc-x86_32-has-stack-protector.sh File 219 B 0755
gcc-x86_64-has-stack-protector.sh File 244 B 0755
gen_initramfs_list.sh File 8.03 KB 0755
get_dvb_firmware File 25.22 KB 0755
get_maintainer.pl File 65.03 KB 0755
gfp-translate File 1.71 KB 0755
headerdep.pl File 3.5 KB 0755
headers.sh File 512 B 0755
headers_check.pl File 3.73 KB 0755
headers_install.sh File 1.32 KB 0755
insert-sys-cert.c File 13.08 KB 0644
kallsyms.c File 18.89 KB 0644
kernel-doc File 92.36 KB 0755
kmsg-doc File 12.13 KB 0755
ld-version.sh File 269 B 0755
leaking_addresses.pl File 9.65 KB 0755
link-vmlinux.sh File 7.65 KB 0755
makelst File 808 B 0755
markup_oops.pl File 8.08 KB 0755
mkcompile_h File 2.74 KB 0755
mkmakefile File 1.19 KB 0755
mksysmap File 1.34 KB 0755
mkuboot.sh File 414 B 0755
module-common.lds File 901 B 0644
namespace.pl File 13.18 KB 0755
objdiff File 2.85 KB 0755
parse-maintainers.pl File 3.72 KB 0755
patch-kernel File 9.95 KB 0755
pnmtologo.c File 11.91 KB 0644
profile2linkerlist.pl File 414 B 0755
prune-kernel File 708 B 0755
recordmcount.c File 17.49 KB 0644
recordmcount.h File 16.4 KB 0644
recordmcount.pl File 18.41 KB 0755
setlocalversion File 4.72 KB 0755
show_delta File 2.99 KB 0755
sign-file.c File 9.93 KB 0644
sortextable.c File 8.35 KB 0644
sortextable.h File 5.48 KB 0644
spelling.txt File 24.97 KB 0644
sphinx-pre-install File 14.04 KB 0755
stackdelta File 1.84 KB 0755
stackusage File 794 B 0755
subarch.include File 641 B 0644
tags.sh File 9.49 KB 0755
ubuntu-retpoline-extract-one File 7.26 KB 0644
unifdef.c File 34.8 KB 0644
ver_linux File 2.94 KB 0755
xen-hypercalls.sh File 386 B 0644
xz_wrap.sh File 562 B 0755