#!/bin/sh # Load debconf variables . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule conffile=/etc/popularity-contest.conf set -e if [ -e $conffile ] ; then # Fetch current values. . $conffile fi # Get this setting from debconf. It was set based on the content of # /etc/popularity-contest.conf in the 'config' script, so it should be # safe to ignore the value fetched by loading the file above. This # should allow for using debconf to reconfigure the package. db_get popularity-contest/participate || true if [ "$RET" = "yes" ] || [ "$RET" = "YES" ] || [ "$RET" = "true" ]; then PARTICIPATE="yes" else PARTICIPATE="no" fi # The md5 sum of an empty file EMPTYID="d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" generate_id() { if which uuidgen >/dev/null 2>&1; then MY_HOSTID=`uuidgen -r | tr -d -` elif test -r /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid; then MY_HOSTID=`tr -d - < /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid` else MY_HOSTID=`od -x -An -N16 /dev/urandom | tr -d ' '` fi; } # Select a random day to submit on, to spread the load over time, unless it is already set. select_random_day() { DAY=`bash -c 'echo $(($RANDOM % 7))'` } generate_crond() { MIN=`bash -c 'echo $(($RANDOM % 60))'` HOUR=`bash -c 'echo $(($RANDOM % 24))'` FILE=/etc/cron.daily/popularity-contest cat > /etc/cron.d/popularity-contest <<EOF SHELL=/bin/sh PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin $MIN $HOUR * * * root test -x $FILE && $FILE --crond EOF } generate_conffile() { generate_id generate_crond select_random_day cat <<-EOF >$conffile # Config file for Debian's popularity-contest package. # # To change this file, use: # dpkg-reconfigure popularity-contest # # You can also edit it by hand, if you so choose. # # See /usr/share/popularity-contest/default.conf for more info # on the options. MY_HOSTID="$MY_HOSTID" PARTICIPATE="$PARTICIPATE" USEHTTP="yes" DAY="$DAY" EOF # preseeding is only allowed on first time install db_get popularity-contest/submiturls || true if [ -n "$RET" ] ; then echo "SUBMITURLS=\"$RET\"" >> $conffile fi # Make sure user nobody can read the file. chmod a+r $conffile } case "$1" in configure) if [ ! -e $conffile ]; then generate_conffile else # If MY_HOSTID is not set, add it. This is useful when disk images are prepared if [ -z "$MY_HOSTID" ] ; then generate_id echo "MY_HOSTID=\"$MY_HOSTID\"" >> $conffile fi OLDHOSTID="$MY_HOSTID"; case "$MY_HOSTID" in # Workaround for bug #237874 triggered on hurd. The # problem was fixed in version 1.15, 2004-03-20. $EMPTYID) generate_id;; # Workaround for bug #240603 triggered by md5sums change # of behaviour with stdin. version 1.17, 2004-04-12. *-) MY_HOSTID="${MY_HOSTID% -}";; esac; # If DAY is not set, add it. if [ -z "$DAY" ] ; then select_random_day echo "DAY=\"$DAY\"" >> $conffile fi if [ ! -f /etc/cron.d/popularity-contest ] ; then generate_crond fi # Replace only if the content changed, to avoid changing the # config file date when no change was done. # Commenting out the obsolete addresses, to use the # default config from /usr/share/ on hosts where # the old default was unchanged. Replace the "empty" id. sedopts=" \ s/^PARTICIPATE=.*$/PARTICIPATE=\"$PARTICIPATE\"/; \ s/^\(MAILTO=\"erich-survey@debian.org\"\)$/#\1/; \ s/^\(MAILTO=\"apenwarr-survey@debian.org\"\)$/#\1/; \ s/^\(MAILTO=\"survey@popcon.debian.org\"\)$/#\1/; \ " if [ "$OLDHOSTID" != "$MY_HOSTID" ]; then sedopts="$sedopts \ s/^MY_HOSTID=\"\\?$OLDHOSTID\"\\?/MY_HOSTID=\"$MY_HOSTID\"/; \ " fi if sed "$sedopts" < $conffile > $conffile.new && ! cmp $conffile $conffile.new > /dev/null; then mv $conffile.new $conffile # Make sure user nobody can read the file. chmod a+r $conffile else rm $conffile.new fi fi ;; *) ;; esac