4.5.0 / 2023-08-06
* [[`1e5e312`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/1e5e312f36491243372dbfee0dd47607e7b3d94a)] - deps: remove debug and depd (#114) (fengmk2 <<fengmk2@gmail.com>>)
4.4.0 / 2023-08-05
* [[`c7c1e93`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/c7c1e93beba7310d7c2cc9647dd211a686d21cac)] - feat: return socket from createConnection (#113) (Nabeel Bukhari <<nabeel.bukhari@hotmail.com>>)
4.3.0 / 2023-03-06
* [[`6f9852b`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/6f9852bf6f674846103e403fd9c84e92fc24f820)] - deps: depd@2.0.0 (#109) (Brian DeHamer <<bdehamer@github.com>>)
* [[`fd4bd9b`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/fd4bd9b0e0f051de3cb49559d1b0d534a0ded18c)] - test: use npm install (#110) (fengmk2 <<fengmk2@gmail.com>>)
* [[`d52822c`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/d52822c1243c689df1c8232a3bb14139cf87fae5)] - chore: update contributors (fengmk2 <<fengmk2@gmail.com>>)
4.2.1 / 2022-02-21
* [[`8b13b5c`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/8b13b5ca797f4779a0a8d393ad8ecb622cd27987)] - fix: explicitly set `| undefined` in type definitions (#99) (Benoit Lemoine <<lemoine.benoit@gmail.com>>)
4.2.0 / 2021-12-31
* [[`f418c67`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/f418c67a63c061c7261592d4553bc455e0b0d306)] - fix: change `freeSocketTimeout` default value to 4000 (#102) (fengmk2 <<fengmk2@gmail.com>>)
* [[`bc2a1ce`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/bc2a1cea0884b4d18b0d244bf00006d9107963df)] - doc(readme): making `timeout`'s default clear (#100) (Aaron <<aaronarinder@gmail.com>>)
4.1.4 / 2021-02-05
* [[`4d04794`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/4d047946b1547b4edff92ea40205aee4f0c8aa46)] - fix(types): correct `Https` constructor argument (#89) (Simen Bekkhus <<sbekkhus91@gmail.com>>)
4.1.3 / 2020-06-15
* [[`4ba9f9c`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/4ba9f9c844f2a6b8037ce56599d25c69ef054d91)] - fix: compatible with node v12.16.3 (#91) (killa <<killa123@126.com>>)
4.1.2 / 2020-04-25
* [[`de66b02`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/de66b0206d064a97129c2c31bcdabd4d64557b91)] - fix: detect http request timeout handler (#88) (fengmk2 <<fengmk2@gmail.com>>)
4.1.1 / 2020-04-25
* [[`bbd20c0`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/bbd20c03b8cf7dfb00b3aad1ada26d4ab90d2d6e)] - fix: definition error (#87) (吖猩 <<whxaxes@qq.com>>)
* [[`3b01699`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/3b01699b8e90022d5f56898dd709e4fe7ee7cdaa)] - test: run test on node 12 (#84) (Igor Savin <<iselwin@gmail.com>>)
4.1.0 / 2019-10-12
* [[`fe33b80`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/fe33b800acc09109388bfe65107550952b6fc7b0)] - feat: Add `reusedSocket` property on client request (#82) (Weijia Wang <<starkwang@126.com>>)
* [[`77ba744`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/77ba744667bb6b9e5986a53e5222f62094db12b9)] - docs: fix grammar in readme (#81) (Herrington Darkholme <<2883231+HerringtonDarkholme@users.noreply.github.com>>)
4.0.2 / 2019-02-19
* [[`56d4a9b`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/56d4a9b2a4499ea28943ddb590358d7831a02cb1)] - fix: HttpAgent export = internal (#74) (Andrew Leedham <<AndrewLeedham@outlook.com>>)
4.0.1 / 2019-02-19
* [[`bad1ac0`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/bad1ac0e710fbc486717e14e68c59266d35df6a8)] - fix: HttpsAgent Type Definition (#71) (#72) (Andrew Leedham <<AndrewLeedham@outlook.com>>)
* [[`f48a4a7`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/f48a4a701ea6fbe43781c91e1c0aaad6e328ac7f)] - fix: export interface (#70) (Vinay <<vinaybedre@gmail.com>>)
* [[`9124343`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/91243437cfdd324cb97f39dee76746d5e5f4cd72)] - chore: add agent.options.keepAlive instead agent.keepAlive (fengmk2 <<fengmk2@gmail.com>>)
* [[`d177d40`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/d177d40422fe7296990b4e270cf498e3f33c18fa)] - test: add request timeout bigger than agent timeout cases (fengmk2 <<fengmk2@gmail.com>>)
4.0.0 / 2018-10-23
* [[`5c9f3bb`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/5c9f3bbd60555744edcf777105b148982a1a42b6)] - feat: impl the new Agent extend http.Agent (fengmk2 <<fengmk2@gmail.com>>)
* [[`498c8f1`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/498c8f13cf76600d3dd6e1c91cdf2d8292355dff)] - chore: move LICENSE from readme to file (fengmk2 <<fengmk2@gmail.com>>)
* [[`4f39894`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/4f398942ba2f90cf4501239e56ac4e6344931a01)] - bugfix: support agent.options.timeout on https agent (fengmk2 <<fengmk2@gmail.com>>)
3.5.2 / 2018-10-19
* [[`5751fc1`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/5751fc1180ed6544602c681ffbd08ca66a0cb12c)] - fix: sockLen being miscalculated when removing sockets (#60) (Ehden Sinai <<cixel@users.noreply.github.com>>)
3.5.1 / 2018-07-31
* [[`495f1ab`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/495f1ab625d43945d72f68096b97db723d4f0657)] - fix: add the lost npm files (#66) (Henry Zhuang <<zhuanghengfei@gmail.com>>)
3.5.0 / 2018-07-31
* [[`16f5aea`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/16f5aeadfda57f1c602652f1472a63cc83cd05bf)] - feat: add typing define. (#65) (Henry Zhuang <<zhuanghengfei@gmail.com>>)
* [[`28fa062`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/28fa06246fb5103f88ebeeb8563757a9078b8157)] - docs: add "per host" to description of maxFreeSockets (tony-gutierrez <<tony.gutierrez@bluefletch.com>>)
* [[`7df2577`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/7df25774f00a1031ca4daad2878a17e0539072a2)] - test: run test on node 10 (#63) (fengmk2 <<fengmk2@gmail.com>>)
3.4.1 / 2018-03-08
* [[`4d3a3b1`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/4d3a3b1f7b16595febbbd39eeed72b2663549014)] - fix: Handle ipv6 addresses in host-header correctly with TLS (#53) (Mattias Holmlund <<u376@m1.holmlund.se>>)
* [[`55a7a5c`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/55a7a5cd33e97f9a8370083dcb041c5552f10ac9)] - test: stop timer after test end (fengmk2 <<fengmk2@gmail.com>>)
3.4.0 / 2018-02-27
* [[`bc7cadb`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/bc7cadb30ecd2071e2b341ac53ae1a2b8155c43d)] - feat: use socket custom freeSocketKeepAliveTimeout first (#59) (fengmk2 <<fengmk2@gmail.com>>)
* [[`138eda8`](http://github.com/node-modules/agentkeepalive/commit/138eda81e10b632aaa87bea0cb66d8667124c4e8)] - doc: fix `keepAliveMsecs` params description (#55) (Hongcai Deng <<admin@dhchouse.com>>)
3.3.0 / 2017-06-20
* feat: add statusChanged getter (#51)
* chore: format License
3.2.0 / 2017-06-10
* feat: add expiring active sockets
* test: add node 8 (#49)
3.1.0 / 2017-02-20
* feat: timeout support humanize ms (#48)
3.0.0 / 2016-12-20
* fix: emit agent socket close event
* test: add remove excess calls to removeSocket
* test: use egg-ci
* test: refactor test with eslint rules
* feat: merge _http_agent.js from 7.2.1
2.2.0 / 2016-06-26
* feat: Add browser shim (noop) for isomorphic use. (#39)
* chore: add security check badge
2.1.1 / 2016-04-06
* https: fix ssl socket leak when keepalive is used
* chore: remove circle ci image
2.1.0 / 2016-04-02
* fix: opened sockets number overflow maxSockets
2.0.5 / 2016-03-16
* fix: pick _evictSession to httpsAgent
2.0.4 / 2016-03-13
* test: add Circle ci
* test: add appveyor ci build
* refactor: make sure only one error listener
* chore: use codecov
* fix: handle idle socket error
* test: run on more node versions
2.0.3 / 2015-08-03
* fix: add default error handler to avoid Unhandled error event throw
2.0.2 / 2015-04-25
* fix: remove socket from freeSockets on 'timeout' (@pmalouin)
2.0.1 / 2015-04-19
* fix: add timeoutSocketCount to getCurrentStatus()
* feat(getCurrentStatus): add getCurrentStatus
2.0.0 / 2015-04-01
* fix: socket.destroyed always be undefined on 0.10.x
* Make it compatible with node v0.10.x (@lattmann)
1.2.1 / 2015-03-23
* patch from iojs: don't overwrite servername option
* patch commits from joyent/node
* add max sockets test case
* add nagle algorithm delayed link
1.2.0 / 2014-09-02
* allow set keepAliveTimeout = 0
* support timeout on working socket. fixed #6
1.1.0 / 2014-08-28
* add some socket counter for deep monitor
1.0.0 / 2014-08-13
* update _http_agent, only support 0.11+, only support node 0.11.0+
0.2.2 / 2013-11-19
* support node 0.8 and node 0.10
0.2.1 / 2013-11-08
* fix socket does not timeout bug, it will hang on life, must use 0.2.x on node 0.11
0.2.0 / 2013-11-06
* use keepalive agent on node 0.11+ impl
0.1.5 / 2013-06-24
* support coveralls
* add node 0.10 test
* add 0.8.22 original https.js
* add original http.js module to diff
* update jscover
* mv pem to fixtures
* add https agent usage