// Type definitions for comment-parser
// Project: comment-parser
// Definitions by: Javier "Ciberman" Mora <https://github.com/jhm-ciberman/>
declare namespace parse {
* In case you need to parse tags in a different way you can specify custom parsers here.
* Each parser function takes string left after previous parsers were applied and the data produced by them.
* It should return either `undefined` or the new object, where `source` is the consumed substring.
export type Parser = (str: string, data: any) => { source: string, data: any };
* Represents a parsed doc comment.
export interface Comment {
* A list of tags that are present in this doc comment.
tags: Tag[];
* The starting line in the source code of this doc comment.
line: number;
* The description of this doc comment. Empty string if no description was specified.
description: string;
* The source of this doc comment, exactly as it appeared in the doc comment before parsing.
source: string;
* Represents a parsed tag. A tag has the following format:
* > @tag {type} [name=default] description
export interface Tag {
* The tag's kind, eg `param` or `return`.
tag: string;
* The name of this tag, ie the first word after the tag. Empty string if no name was specified.
name: string;
* `true` if the tag is optional (tag name enclosed in brackets), `false` otherwise.
optional: boolean;
* The type declaration of this tag that is enclosed in curly braces. Empty string if no type was specified.
type: string;
* The description of this tag that comes after the name. Empty string if no description was specified.
description: string;
* The line number where this tag starts
line: number;
* The source of this tag, exactly as it appeared in the doc comment before parsing.
source: string;
* The default value for this tag. `undefined` in case no default value was specified.
default?: string;
* A list of errors that occurred during the parsing of this tag. `undefined` if not error occurred.
errors? : string[];
* If `dotted_names` was set to `true`, a list of sub tags. `undefined` if `dotted_names` was set to `false` or if
* no sub tags exist.
tags?: Tag[];
* Options for parsing doc comments.
export interface Options {
* In case you need to parse tags in a different way you can specify custom parsers here.
* Each parser function takes string left after previous parsers were applied and the data produced by them.
* It should return either `undefined` or the new object, where `source` is the consumed substring.
* If you specify custom parsers, the default parsers are overwritten, but you can access them via the constant
parsers: Parser[];
* By default dotted names like `name.subname.subsubname` will be expanded into nested sections, this can be
* prevented by passing `opts.dotted_names = false`.
dotted_names: boolean;
* Impacts behavior of joining non-asterisked multiline comments. Strings,
* non-zero numbers, or `true` will collapse newlines. Strings will
* additionally replace leading whitespace and `true` will replace with
* a single space.
join: string | number | boolean;
* `true` to trim whitespace at the start and end of each line, `false` otherwise.
trim: boolean;
* Return `true` to toggle fenced state; upon returning `true` the
* first time, will prevent subsequent lines from being interpreted as
* starting a new jsdoc tag until such time as the function returns
* `true` again to indicate that the state has toggled back; can also
* be simply set to a string or regular expression which will toggle
* state upon finding an odd number of matches within a line.
fence: string | RegExp | ((source: string) => boolean);
* Options for turning a parsed doc comment back into a string.
export interface StringifyOptions {
* Indentation for each line. If a string is passed, that string is used verbatim to indent each line. If a number
* is passed, indents each line with that many whitespaces.
indent: string | number;
export interface Stringify {
* One may also convert comment-parser JSON structures back into strings using this stringify method.
* This method accepts the JSON as its first argument and an optional options object with an indent property set to
* either a string or a number that will be used to determine the number of spaces of indent. The indent of the start
* of the doc block will be one space less than the indent of each line of asterisks for the sake of alignment as per
* usual practice.
* The stringify export delegates to the specialized methods `stringifyBlocks`, `stringifyBlock`, and
* `stringifyTag`, which are available on the stringify function object.
* @param comment A tag, comment or a list of comments to stringify.
* @param options Options to control how the comment or comments are stringified.
* @return The stringified doc comment(s).
(comment: Tag | Comment | Comment[], options?: Partial<StringifyOptions>): string;
* Similar to `stringify`, but only accepts a list of doc comments.
* @param comments A list of comments to stringify.
* @param options Options to control how the comments are stringified.
* @return The stringified doc comment(s).
stringifyBlocks(comments: Comment[], options?: Partial<StringifyOptions>): string;
* Similar to `stringify`, but only accepts a single doc comment.
* @param comment A comment to stringify.
* @param options Options to control how the comment is stringified.
* @return The stringified doc comment(s).
stringifyBlock(comment: Comment, options?: Partial<StringifyOptions>): string;
* Similar to `stringify`, but only accepts a single tag.
* @param tag A tag to stringify.
* @param options Options to control how the tag is stringified.
* @return The stringified doc comment(s).
stringifyTag(tag: Tag, options?: Partial<StringifyOptions>): string;
export const stringify: parse.Stringify;
* The default list of parsers that is used to parse comments.
export const PARSERS: Record<"parse_tag" | "parse_type" | "parse_description" | "parse_name", Parser>
* The main method of this module which takes comment string and returns an array of objects with parsed data.
* It is not trying to detect relations between tags or somehow recognize their meaning. Any tag can be used, as long
* as it satisfies the format.
* @param str A string with doc comments and source code to parse.
* @param opts Options to control how the source string is parsed.
* @return The parsed list of doc comments.
declare function parse(str: string, opts?: Partial<parse.Options>): parse.Comment[];
export = parse;