'use strict'
function skipws (str) {
let i = 0
do {
if (str[i] !== ' ' && str[i] !== '\t') { return i }
} while (++i < str.length)
return i
/* ------- default parsers ------- */
const PARSERS = {}
PARSERS.parse_tag = function parse_tag (str) {
const match = str.match(/^\s*@(\S+)/)
if (!match) { throw new SyntaxError('Invalid `@tag`, missing @ symbol') }
return {
source: match[0],
data: { tag: match[1] }
PARSERS.parse_type = function parse_type (str, data) {
if (data.errors && data.errors.length) { return null }
let pos = skipws(str)
let res = ''
let curlies = 0
if (str[pos] !== '{') { return null }
while (pos < str.length) {
curlies += (str[pos] === '{' ? 1 : (str[pos] === '}' ? -1 : 0))
res += str[pos]
if (curlies === 0) { break }
if (curlies !== 0) { throw new SyntaxError('Invalid `{type}`, unpaired curlies') }
return {
source: str.slice(0, pos),
data: { type: res.slice(1, -1) }
PARSERS.parse_name = function parse_name (str, data) {
if (data.errors && data.errors.length) { return null }
let pos = skipws(str)
let name = ''
let brackets = 0
let res = { optional: false }
// if it starts with quoted group assume it is a literal
const quotedGroups = str.slice(pos).split('"')
if (quotedGroups.length > 1 && quotedGroups[0] === '' && quotedGroups.length % 2 === 1) {
name = quotedGroups[1]
pos += name.length + 2
// assume name is non-space string or anything wrapped into brackets
} else {
while (pos < str.length) {
brackets += (str[pos] === '[' ? 1 : (str[pos] === ']' ? -1 : 0))
name += str[pos]
if (brackets === 0 && /\s/.test(str[pos])) { break }
if (brackets !== 0) { throw new SyntaxError('Invalid `name`, unpaired brackets') }
res = { name, optional: false }
if (name[0] === '[' && name[name.length - 1] === ']') {
res.optional = true
name = name.slice(1, -1)
const match = name.match(
if (!match) throw new SyntaxError('Invalid `name`, bad syntax')
name = match[1]
if (match[2]) res.default = match[2]
// We will throw this later after processing other tags (so we
// will collect enough data for the user to be able to fully recover)
else if (match[2] === '') {
res.default = match[2]
res.warning = 'Empty `name`, bad syntax'
res.name = name
return {
source: str.slice(0, pos),
data: res
PARSERS.parse_description = function parse_description (str, data) {
if (data.errors && data.errors.length) { return null }
const match = str.match(/^\s+((.|\s)+)?/)
if (match) {
return {
source: match[0],
data: { description: match[1] === undefined ? '' : match[1] }
return null
module.exports = PARSERS