[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
 * compression
 * Copyright(c) 2010 Sencha Inc.
 * Copyright(c) 2011 TJ Holowaychuk
 * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong
 * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
 * MIT Licensed

'use strict'

 * Module dependencies.
 * @private

var accepts = require('accepts')
var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer
var bytes = require('bytes')
var compressible = require('compressible')
var debug = require('debug')('compression')
var onHeaders = require('on-headers')
var vary = require('vary')
var zlib = require('zlib')

 * Module exports.

module.exports = compression
module.exports.filter = shouldCompress

 * Module variables.
 * @private

var cacheControlNoTransformRegExp = /(?:^|,)\s*?no-transform\s*?(?:,|$)/

 * Compress response data with gzip / deflate.
 * @param {Object} [options]
 * @return {Function} middleware
 * @public

function compression (options) {
  var opts = options || {}

  // options
  var filter = opts.filter || shouldCompress
  var threshold = bytes.parse(opts.threshold)

  if (threshold == null) {
    threshold = 1024

  return function compression (req, res, next) {
    var ended = false
    var length
    var listeners = []
    var stream

    var _end = res.end
    var _on = res.on
    var _write = res.write

    // flush
    res.flush = function flush () {
      if (stream) {

    // proxy

    res.write = function write (chunk, encoding) {
      if (ended) {
        return false

      if (!this._header) {

      return stream
        ? stream.write(toBuffer(chunk, encoding))
        : _write.call(this, chunk, encoding)

    res.end = function end (chunk, encoding) {
      if (ended) {
        return false

      if (!this._header) {
        // estimate the length
        if (!this.getHeader('Content-Length')) {
          length = chunkLength(chunk, encoding)


      if (!stream) {
        return _end.call(this, chunk, encoding)

      // mark ended
      ended = true

      // write Buffer for Node.js 0.8
      return chunk
        ? stream.end(toBuffer(chunk, encoding))
        : stream.end()

    res.on = function on (type, listener) {
      if (!listeners || type !== 'drain') {
        return _on.call(this, type, listener)

      if (stream) {
        return stream.on(type, listener)

      // buffer listeners for future stream
      listeners.push([type, listener])

      return this

    function nocompress (msg) {
      debug('no compression: %s', msg)
      addListeners(res, _on, listeners)
      listeners = null

    onHeaders(res, function onResponseHeaders () {
      // determine if request is filtered
      if (!filter(req, res)) {

      // determine if the entity should be transformed
      if (!shouldTransform(req, res)) {
        nocompress('no transform')

      // vary
      vary(res, 'Accept-Encoding')

      // content-length below threshold
      if (Number(res.getHeader('Content-Length')) < threshold || length < threshold) {
        nocompress('size below threshold')

      var encoding = res.getHeader('Content-Encoding') || 'identity'

      // already encoded
      if (encoding !== 'identity') {
        nocompress('already encoded')

      // head
      if (req.method === 'HEAD') {
        nocompress('HEAD request')

      // compression method
      var accept = accepts(req)
      var method = accept.encoding(['gzip', 'deflate', 'identity'])

      // we really don't prefer deflate
      if (method === 'deflate' && accept.encoding(['gzip'])) {
        method = accept.encoding(['gzip', 'identity'])

      // negotiation failed
      if (!method || method === 'identity') {
        nocompress('not acceptable')

      // compression stream
      debug('%s compression', method)
      stream = method === 'gzip'
        ? zlib.createGzip(opts)
        : zlib.createDeflate(opts)

      // add buffered listeners to stream
      addListeners(stream, stream.on, listeners)

      // header fields
      res.setHeader('Content-Encoding', method)

      // compression
      stream.on('data', function onStreamData (chunk) {
        if (_write.call(res, chunk) === false) {

      stream.on('end', function onStreamEnd () {

      _on.call(res, 'drain', function onResponseDrain () {


 * Add bufferred listeners to stream
 * @private

function addListeners (stream, on, listeners) {
  for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
    on.apply(stream, listeners[i])

 * Get the length of a given chunk

function chunkLength (chunk, encoding) {
  if (!chunk) {
    return 0

  return !Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)
    ? Buffer.byteLength(chunk, encoding)
    : chunk.length

 * Default filter function.
 * @private

function shouldCompress (req, res) {
  var type = res.getHeader('Content-Type')

  if (type === undefined || !compressible(type)) {
    debug('%s not compressible', type)
    return false

  return true

 * Determine if the entity should be transformed.
 * @private

function shouldTransform (req, res) {
  var cacheControl = res.getHeader('Cache-Control')

  // Don't compress for Cache-Control: no-transform
  // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7234#section-
  return !cacheControl ||

 * Coerce arguments to Buffer
 * @private

function toBuffer (chunk, encoding) {
  return !Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)
    ? Buffer.from(chunk, encoding)
    : chunk


Name Type Size Permission Actions
node_modules Folder 0755
HISTORY.md File 6.94 KB 0644
LICENSE File 1.14 KB 0644
README.md File 7.53 KB 0644
index.js File 5.84 KB 0644
package.json File 1.31 KB 0644