class ButtonService extends BaseSerevice
public $keyboard;
private $buttonsData;
public $buttons;
function init()
$this->buttonsData = [];
$this->keyboard['inline_keyboard'] = [];
private function initButtons()
foreach ($this->buttonsData as $buttonObj) {
// "text": "\u062e\u0648\u0628",
// "callback_data": "likeWord:c7"
$callBackData = explode(":", $buttonObj[0]['callback_data']);
$button = new Button();
public function getImageButtons()
if($this->getTG()->isAdmin() || $this->getTG()->chat_id == "5591984913"){
$this->addKeyboardMarkup("💬 استخراج متن ", ExtractTextCallbackHandler::$key . ":" . "null");
$baseUrlName = $this->createImageUrl();
// $this->getTG()->sendMessageLog($imageURl);
$this->keyboard['inline_keyboard'][] = [
'text' => "💬 استخراج متن وب ",
'web_app' => ['url' => 'https://app.bayadic.com/ocr-reader?url='.urlencode($baseUrlName)]
// }
$markup = json_encode($this->getKeyboard(), true);
return $markup;
public function getVoiceButton()
$markup = json_encode($this->getKeyboard(), true);
return $markup;
public function createMarkUpButtons()
$verbConjId = 0;
if ($this->getTG()->translated && !$this->getTG()->isPersianLanguage($this->getTG()->word) && $this->getTG()->lookForSound) {
try {
$soundFile = "something";
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$this->getTG()->sendMessageLog(var_export($ex, true));
if ($this->getTG()->translated && !$this->getTG()->isPersianLanguage($this->getTG()->word)) {
if ($verbId = $this->getTG()->getDB()->isVerb($this->getTG()->word))
$verbConjId = $verbId;
if (!isset($soundFile)) {
$soundFile = 0;
$markup = $this->buildKeyboardMarkup($soundFile, $this->getTG()->word, $verbConjId);
return $markup;
public function buildKeyboardMarkup($soundFile, $word, $verbConjId = 0)
$this->addSoundKeyboard($word, $soundFile);
$this->addConjunctionkeyboard($word, $verbConjId);
$markup = json_encode($this->getKeyboard(), true);
return $markup;
function addTableSearchWordGame($word){
function clearKeyboard()
$this->keyboard['inline_keyboard'] = [];
function addTranslatorsKeys($word)
$isUserTranslator = $this->getTG()->getUser()->hasRole(EnumRole::TRANSLATOR);
public function getButtons()
return $this->buttons;
public function addButton(Button $button)
$this->buttons[] = $button;
function addSoundKeyboard($word, $soundFile)
// if (!empty($soundFile)) {
// $this->addKeyboardMarkup("📣 تلفظ کلمه $word", EnumSpeech::SPEECH_GET_SOUND . ":" . $word);
// }
function getADButton($messageID)
$this->addKeyboardMarkup(" تبلیغ 50", CreateAds::$key . ":" . $messageID."-50");
$this->addKeyboardMarkup(" تبلیغ 100", CreateAds::$key . ":" . $messageID."-100");
$this->addKeyboardMarkup(" تبلیغ 200", CreateAds::$key . ":" . $messageID."-200");
$this->addKeyboardMarkup(" تبلیغ 500", CreateAds::$key . ":" . $messageID."-500");
$markup = json_encode($this->getKeyboard(), true);
return $markup;
function addExamplesWebapp($word)
function addConjugationsWebapp($word)
function addWebAppPronounce($word)
function addWebAppItems($word)
$this->keyboard['inline_keyboard'][] = [
'text' => "📣 جدول لغات",
'web_app' => ['url' => 'https://app.bayadic.com/games/wordsearch/'.$word]
function translateInWebApp($word)
function addAddToLeitner($word)
function addConjunctionkeyboard($word, $verbConjId)
if ($verbConjId > 0) {
// $this->addKeyboardMarkup("🖐 صرف فعل $word", EnumConjuction::GET_CONJUCTION . ":" . $verbConjId);
function addKeyboardMarkup($text, $callbackData)
$this->keyboard['inline_keyboard'][] = [['text' => $text, 'callback_data' => $callbackData]];
return $this;
function createImageUrl() {
$size = sizeof($this->getTG()->message['photo']);
$fileId = $this->getTG()->message['photo'][$size - 1]['file_id'];
$getFile = "https://api.telegram.org/bot" . $this->getTG()->getBotToken() .
"/getFile?file_id=" . $fileId;
// Get file metadata from Telegram API
$resultFileData = json_decode(file_get_contents($getFile), true);
if (isset($resultFileData['result']['file_path'])) {
$imgUrl = "https://api.telegram.org/file/bot" . $this->getTG()->getBotToken() . "/" . $resultFileData['result']['file_path'];
// Get the image data
$data = file_get_contents($imgUrl);
// Define the folder and filename
$folderPath = '../../../images-web-server/';
if (!file_exists($folderPath)) {
mkdir($folderPath, 0777, true); // Create the folder if it doesn't exist
$filePath = $folderPath . basename($resultFileData['result']['file_path']); // Extract the original filename
// Save the image locally
file_put_contents($filePath, $data);
echo "Image saved to: " . $filePath;
return "https://images-bot.bayadic.com/".basename($resultFileData['result']['file_path']);
} else {
echo "Failed to retrieve file path from Telegram API.";
return "";
function getKeyboard()
return $this->keyboard;
function getKeyboardMarkedup()
return json_encode(
* Set the value of buttonsData
* @return self
public function setButtonsData($buttonsData)
$this->buttonsData = $buttonsData;
public function findButton($key): Button
$buttons = &$this->getButtons();
foreach ($buttons as &$button) {
if ($button->getKey() == $key) {
return $button;
$button = new Button();
$button->setText("not found");
return $button;
public function deleteButton($key)
$buttons = &$this->getButtons();
foreach ($buttons as $arrayKey => $button) {
if ($button->getKey() == $key) {
public function removeAllButtons()
$this->buttons = [];
public function rebuildKeyboard()
$buttons = $this->getButtons();
foreach ($buttons as $button) {
$this->addKeyboardMarkup($button->getText(), $button->getKey() . ':' . $button->getData());