[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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namespace GuzzleHttp;

use GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

 * Creates a composed Guzzle handler function by stacking middlewares on top of
 * an HTTP handler function.
 * @final
class HandlerStack
     * @var (callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface)|null
    private $handler;

     * @var array{(callable(callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface): callable), (string|null)}[]
    private $stack = [];

     * @var (callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface)|null
    private $cached;

     * Creates a default handler stack that can be used by clients.
     * The returned handler will wrap the provided handler or use the most
     * appropriate default handler for your system. The returned HandlerStack has
     * support for cookies, redirects, HTTP error exceptions, and preparing a body
     * before sending.
     * The returned handler stack can be passed to a client in the "handler"
     * option.
     * @param (callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface)|null $handler HTTP handler function to use with the stack. If no
     *                                                                            handler is provided, the best handler for your
     *                                                                            system will be utilized.
    public static function create(?callable $handler = null): self
        $stack = new self($handler ?: Utils::chooseHandler());
        $stack->push(Middleware::httpErrors(), 'http_errors');
        $stack->push(Middleware::redirect(), 'allow_redirects');
        $stack->push(Middleware::cookies(), 'cookies');
        $stack->push(Middleware::prepareBody(), 'prepare_body');

        return $stack;

     * @param (callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface)|null $handler Underlying HTTP handler.
    public function __construct(callable $handler = null)
        $this->handler = $handler;

     * Invokes the handler stack as a composed handler
     * @return ResponseInterface|PromiseInterface
    public function __invoke(RequestInterface $request, array $options)
        $handler = $this->resolve();

        return $handler($request, $options);

     * Dumps a string representation of the stack.
     * @return string
    public function __toString()
        $depth = 0;
        $stack = [];

        if ($this->handler !== null) {
            $stack[] = "0) Handler: " . $this->debugCallable($this->handler);

        $result = '';
        foreach (\array_reverse($this->stack) as $tuple) {
            $str = "{$depth}) Name: '{$tuple[1]}', ";
            $str .= "Function: " . $this->debugCallable($tuple[0]);
            $result = "> {$str}\n{$result}";
            $stack[] = $str;

        foreach (\array_keys($stack) as $k) {
            $result .= "< {$stack[$k]}\n";

        return $result;

     * Set the HTTP handler that actually returns a promise.
     * @param callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface $handler Accepts a request and array of options and
     *                                                                     returns a Promise.
    public function setHandler(callable $handler): void
        $this->handler = $handler;
        $this->cached = null;

     * Returns true if the builder has a handler.
    public function hasHandler(): bool
        return $this->handler !== null ;

     * Unshift a middleware to the bottom of the stack.
     * @param callable(callable): callable $middleware Middleware function
     * @param string                       $name       Name to register for this middleware.
    public function unshift(callable $middleware, ?string $name = null): void
        \array_unshift($this->stack, [$middleware, $name]);
        $this->cached = null;

     * Push a middleware to the top of the stack.
     * @param callable(callable): callable $middleware Middleware function
     * @param string                       $name       Name to register for this middleware.
    public function push(callable $middleware, string $name = ''): void
        $this->stack[] = [$middleware, $name];
        $this->cached = null;

     * Add a middleware before another middleware by name.
     * @param string                       $findName   Middleware to find
     * @param callable(callable): callable $middleware Middleware function
     * @param string                       $withName   Name to register for this middleware.
    public function before(string $findName, callable $middleware, string $withName = ''): void
        $this->splice($findName, $withName, $middleware, true);

     * Add a middleware after another middleware by name.
     * @param string                       $findName   Middleware to find
     * @param callable(callable): callable $middleware Middleware function
     * @param string                       $withName   Name to register for this middleware.
    public function after(string $findName, callable $middleware, string $withName = ''): void
        $this->splice($findName, $withName, $middleware, false);

     * Remove a middleware by instance or name from the stack.
     * @param callable|string $remove Middleware to remove by instance or name.
    public function remove($remove): void
        if (!is_string($remove) && !is_callable($remove)) {
            trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a callable or string to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);

        $this->cached = null;
        $idx = \is_callable($remove) ? 0 : 1;
        $this->stack = \array_values(\array_filter(
            static function ($tuple) use ($idx, $remove) {
                return $tuple[$idx] !== $remove;

     * Compose the middleware and handler into a single callable function.
     * @return callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface
    public function resolve(): callable
        if ($this->cached === null) {
            if (($prev = $this->handler) === null) {
                throw new \LogicException('No handler has been specified');

            foreach (\array_reverse($this->stack) as $fn) {
                /** @var callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface $prev */
                $prev = $fn[0]($prev);

            $this->cached = $prev;

        return $this->cached;

    private function findByName(string $name): int
        foreach ($this->stack as $k => $v) {
            if ($v[1] === $name) {
                return $k;

        throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Middleware not found: $name");

     * Splices a function into the middleware list at a specific position.
    private function splice(string $findName, string $withName, callable $middleware, bool $before): void
        $this->cached = null;
        $idx = $this->findByName($findName);
        $tuple = [$middleware, $withName];

        if ($before) {
            if ($idx === 0) {
                \array_unshift($this->stack, $tuple);
            } else {
                $replacement = [$tuple, $this->stack[$idx]];
                \array_splice($this->stack, $idx, 1, $replacement);
        } elseif ($idx === \count($this->stack) - 1) {
            $this->stack[] = $tuple;
        } else {
            $replacement = [$this->stack[$idx], $tuple];
            \array_splice($this->stack, $idx, 1, $replacement);

     * Provides a debug string for a given callable.
     * @param callable|string $fn Function to write as a string.
    private function debugCallable($fn): string
        if (\is_string($fn)) {
            return "callable({$fn})";

        if (\is_array($fn)) {
            return \is_string($fn[0])
                ? "callable({$fn[0]}::{$fn[1]})"
                : "callable(['" . \get_class($fn[0]) . "', '{$fn[1]}'])";

        /** @var object $fn */
        return 'callable(' . \spl_object_hash($fn) . ')';


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Cookie Folder 2755
Exception Folder 2755
Handler Folder 2755
BodySummarizer.php File 631 B 0755
BodySummarizerInterface.php File 233 B 0755
Client.php File 17.94 KB 0755
ClientInterface.php File 2.83 KB 0755
ClientTrait.php File 8.79 KB 0755
HandlerStack.php File 8.52 KB 0755
MessageFormatter.php File 7.63 KB 0755
MessageFormatterInterface.php File 561 B 0755
Middleware.php File 10.9 KB 0755
Pool.php File 4.61 KB 0755
PrepareBodyMiddleware.php File 3.07 KB 0755
RedirectMiddleware.php File 7.5 KB 0755
RequestOptions.php File 10.32 KB 0755
RetryMiddleware.php File 3.52 KB 0755
TransferStats.php File 3.11 KB 0755
Utils.php File 12.71 KB 0755
functions.php File 5.56 KB 0755
functions_include.php File 162 B 0755