[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
class DictionaryDatabaseHandler extends DatabaseHandler
	public $wordArrayResult;
	public	$translated;
	public	$wordIsSearched;
	public $dictionaryTable = 'dictionary';
	public $dictionaryTable2 = 'dictionary_merged';
	public $ts;
	function __construct(TranslateService $ts)
		$this->ts = $ts;
		$this->wordArrayResult = "";
		$this->translated = false;
		$this->wordIsSearched = false;
	function init()
	public function getTS(): TranslateService
		return $this->ts;
	public function getRowNumber($tableName)
		$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as rowNumbers FROM `" . $this->database . "`.`$tableName`;";
		try {
			$result = $this->connection->query($sql);
			if ($this->connection->error == "")
				return $getResults = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
				return $this->connection->error;
		} catch (Exception $exc) {
			return $this->connection->error;
	public function addInRepairmentStack($userID, $word)
		$sql = "INSERT INTO  `" . $this->database . "`.`user_cover_requests` (`userID`,`word`)
					VALUES ('"
			. $userID . "' ,'"
			. $word . "'"
			. ");";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		return true;
	public function createTableLike($tableName, &$newName)
		$date = date("d-m-y");
		$newTableExtension = "c_" . $date;
		$newName = $tableName . "_" . $newTableExtension;
		$sql = "CREATE TABLE `" . $this->database . "`.`$newName` LIKE `" . $this->database . "`.`$tableName`";

		try {
			$result = $this->connection->query($sql);
			if ($this->connection->error == "")
				return $getResults = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
				return $this->connection->error;
		} catch (Exception $exc) {
			return $this->connection->error;
	public function copyFromTableAtoB($tableA, $tableB)
		$sql1 = "SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/$tableB.txt' FROM `" . $this->database . "`.`$tableA`";
		$sql2 = "LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/$tableB.txt' INTO TABLE `" . $this->database . "`.`$tableB";
		try {
			$result = $this->connection->query($sql1);
			$result2 = $this->connection->query($sql2);
			if ($this->connection->error == "")
				return $getResults = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result2);
				return "error " . $this->connection->error;
		} catch (Exception $exc) {
			return $this->connection->error;
	public function getMessagesNumberInLastRequests($userID, $lastRecordsNumber = 60, $lastSeconds = 120)
		//            $sql= "SELECT Count(*) as sentNumber FROM `user_cover_requests` WHERE userID like '$userID' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $lastRecordsNumber";
		$sql = "SELECT Count(*) as sentNumber  FROM `user_cover_requests` WHERE userID like '$userID' AND  timeSent > (NOW() - $lastSeconds )";
		//            $sql= "SELECT count(*) as sentNumber FROM (SELECT * FROM `user_cover_requests` ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 60) as sub WHERE userID like '$userID'";
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql);
		$getResults = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
		return $getResults['sentNumber'];
	public function truncateUserActs()
		$sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE `" . $this->database . "`.`user_activities`";
		try {
			$result = $this->connection->query($sql);
			if ($this->connection->error == "")
				return $getResults = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
				return "error " . $this->connection->error;
		} catch (Exception $exc) {
			return $this->connection->error;

	public function copyAndTruncate()
		//            $getResults = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
		$date = date("d-m-y");
		$newTableExtension = "c_" . $date;
		$createResult = $this->createTableLike("user_activities", $newName);

		$rowNumbers = $this->getRowNumber("user_activities");
		if ($rowNumbers['rowNumbers'] > 5000) {
			$copied = $this->copyFromTableAtoB("user_activities", $newName);
		//            $rowNumbers = $this->getRowNumber("user_activities_$newTableExtension");
		$rowNumbers2 = $this->getRowNumber($newName);
		return $rowNumbers2;
	public function getUser($chatId)
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`dicusers` WHERE userid='" . $chatId . "'";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		$userData = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
		return new User($chatId, $userData['role'], $userData['keyboard'], $this);
	public function addWordsToDb($wordArrayResult)
/* 		$catchedWord = $this->getWordFromDb($word);
		if (empty($catchedNews['id'])) {
		return $catchedNews['id']; */

	public function lookForWordInDictionary($word)
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`$this->dictionaryTable` where searchedWord='" . $word . "'";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		while ($wordArrayResult[] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result));
		return $wordArrayResult;
	public function getSoundexSuggestions($word, $tg = null)
		if ($this->isPersianLanguage($word)) {
			$similarityRatio = 80;
		} else {
			$similarityRatio = 60;
		// 		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `".$this->database."`.`$this->dictionaryTable` where searchedWord sounds like '" . $word . "'";
		// $sql = "SELECT searchedWord, id, levenshtein_ratio(searchedWord, '" . $word . "') from ( SELECT searchedWord, id FROM `".$this->database."`.`$this->dictionaryTable` where searchedWord sounds like '" . $word . "' GROUP BY searchedWord ) AS soundexTable WHERE levenshtein_ratio(searchedWord, '" . $word . "') > $similarityRatio";
		$sql = "SELECT id, searchedWord, levenshtein_ratio(searchedWord, '" . $word . "') from ( SELECT MAX(id) as id,searchedWord FROM `" . $this->database . "`.`$this->dictionaryTable` where searchedWord sounds like '" . $word . "' GROUP BY searchedWord ) AS soundexTable WHERE levenshtein_ratio(searchedWord, '" . $word . "') > $similarityRatio";
		//		$sql = "SELECT searchedWord, id FROM `".$this->database."`.`$this->dictionaryTable` where searchedWord sounds like '" . $word . "' GROUP BY searchedWord LIMIT 6";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		while ($suggest = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
			$wordArrayResult[] = $suggest;
		return $wordArrayResult;
	public function getTrnslations2($word, $ln)
		//		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `".$this->database."`.`$this->dictionaryTable` where searchedWord='" . $word . "' AND status='".$ln."' limit 60";
		//        $sql = "SELECT * FROM  `".$this->database."`.`$this->dictionaryTable` where searchedWord='" . $word . "' AND status='".$ln."' limit 60";
		$sql = "SELECT id, artikel,word,perfect,plural,translation,soundFile FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`$this->dictionaryTable` where searchedWord='"
			. $word . "' AND status='" . $ln . "' limit 60 UNION ALL
                SELECT (id+255700) as id, artikel ,word, '' AS perfekt, '' AS plural, translation, '' AS soundFile FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`dicusers_contribution` where word='"
			. $word . "' AND translation !='' AND adminOpinion ='adminConfirmed'  or translation Like '%" . $word . "%' AND adminOpinion ='adminConfirmed' order by id";

		//        $sql= "SELECT id, artikel,word,perfect,plural,translation,soundFile FROM  `".$this->database."`.`$this->dictionaryTable` where searchedWord='" 
		//              . $word . "' AND status='".$ln."' limit 60" .
		//        $union =        " UNION ALL ".
		//        $contSql = "SELECT id, artikel ,word, '' AS perfekt, '' AS plural, translation, '' AS soundFile FROM  `".$this->database."`.`dicusers_contribution` where word='" 
		//              . $word . "' AND translation !='' AND adminOpinion ='adminConfirmed' order by id";

		//        $sql = $contSql.$union.$sql;

		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		while ($wordArrayResult[] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result));

		// 		$wordArrayResult2 = $this->lookForWordInContributionTable($word);
		// 		$wordArrayResult3 = $this->lookForRelatedWordInContributionTable($word);
		// 		$wordArrayResult = array_merge($wordArrayResult,$wordArrayResult2 );
		// 		$wordArrayResult = array_merge($wordArrayResult,$wordArrayResult3 );

		if (count($wordArrayResult) > 0 && !empty($wordArrayResult[0])) {
			$this->wordArrayResult = $wordArrayResult;
			$this->translated = true;
		} else {
			$this->translated = false;
		return $this->wordArrayResult;
	public function getWordFromActivityById($wordId)
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`user_activities` where id=$wordId";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		$activity = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
		return $activity['searchedWord'];
	public function getActivity($wordId)
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`user_activities` where id=$wordId";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		$activity = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
		return $activity;
	public function setUserRole($role, $userId)
		$sql = "UPDATE `" . $this->database . "`.`dicusers` SET role ='$role' WHERE userid='$userId'";
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		return true;
	public function setUserKeyboard($status, $userId)
		$sql = "UPDATE `" . $this->database . "`.`dicusers` SET keyboard ='$status' WHERE userid='$userId'";
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		return true;
	public function setUserStep($userId, $step)
		$sql = "UPDATE `" . $this->database . "`.`dicusers` SET step ='$step' WHERE userid='$userId'";
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		return true;
	public function getUserStep($userId)
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`dicusers` where userid='$userId'";
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		$user = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
		return $user['step'];
	public function getWordById($wordId)
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`$this->dictionaryTable` where id=$wordId";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		$news = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
		return $news;
	public function isSearched($word)
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`user_activities` where searchedWord='$word'";
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		$userSearchedWord = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
			$this->wordIsSearched = count($userSearchedWord) > 0;
			$this->wordIsSearched = false;
	public function isVerb($word)
		$word = strtolower($word);
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`dic_conjunction` where verb='$word'";
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		$conjVerb = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
		if (!empty($conjVerb['id']))
			return $conjVerb['id'];
			return 0;
	public function getConnection(){
		return $this->connection;
	public function getConjuctionByVerbId($conjVerbId)
		// 		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `".$this->database."`.`$this->dictionaryTable` where searchedWord sounds like '" . $word . "'";
		// 		.")";
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $this->database . "`.`dic_conjunction` where `infinitive` = (SELECT infinitive FROM `" . $this->database . "`.`dic_conjunction` where id=" . $conjVerbId . ")";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		while ($wordArrayResult[] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result));
		return $wordArrayResult;
	public function updatePerfect($word, $perfect)
		$sql = "UPDATE `" . $this->database . "`.`$this->dictionaryTable` SET `perfect`='$perfect' WHERE word='" . $word . "'";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);

	public function insertWordsWithTranslation($translationsArray, $ln, $searchedWord)
		$status = $ln;
		if (!is_array($translationsArray))
			return false;
		foreach ($translationsArray as $table) {
			foreach ($table as $tr) {
				if (!empty($tr[2])) {
					$artikel = trim($tr[1]);
					$word = trim($tr[2]);
					$translation = $tr[5];
					$this->insertWord($word, $translation, $artikel, $status, $searchedWord);
	public function isWordAndTranslation($word, $translation, $ln, $searchedWord)
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`$this->dictionaryTable` WHERE word='" . $word . "'"
			. " AND translation='" . $translation . "' AND searchedword='" . $searchedWord . "' AND status='" . $ln . "'";

		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		$words = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
		if (count($words) > 0)
			return true;
			return false;
	public function insertWord($word, $translation, $artikel, $ln, $searchedWord)
		if ($this->isWordAndTranslation($word, $translation, $ln, $searchedWord))
			return false;

		$sql = "INSERT INTO  `" . $this->database . "`.`$this->dictionaryTable` (`word`,`translation`,`artikel`,`status` ,`searchedword`)
					VALUES ('"
			. $word . "' ,'"
			. $translation . "' ,'"
			. $artikel . "' ,'"
			. $ln . "' ,'"
			. $searchedWord . "'"
			. ");";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		return true;

	public function addTranslationToWord($wordId, $translation)
		$sql = "UPDATE `" . $this->database . "`.`$this->dictionaryTable` set translation ='" . $translation
			. "' AND status='ready' where id=" . $wordId;

		$result = $this->connection->query($sql);
	public function incrementInvitationSentNumber($userId)
		$sql = "UPDATE `" . $this->database . "`.`dicusers` set invitesent =invitesent +1 where userid=" . $userId;
		// 	return true;
	public function getSentInviteNumber($userId)
		$sql = "SELECT invitesent FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`dicusers` where userid=" . $userId;
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql);
		$result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
			return $result['invitesent'];
		else return 0;

	public function isUser($userId)
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`dicusers` WHERE userid='" . $userId . "'";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		$words = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
		//$testMessage = count($words)." is user".PHP_EOL;
		//file_put_contents ( "isusertestbot.html", $testMessage, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX );

		if (isset($words) && count($words) > 0)
			return true;
			return false;
	public function insertUser($userId, $userName, $name, $lastname, $botID)
		if (!$this->isUser($userId)) {
			$sql = "INSERT INTO  `" . $this->database . "`.`dicusers` (`userid`,`username`,`name`,`lastname`)
					VALUES ('"
				. $userId . "' ,'"
				. $userName . "' ,'"
				. $name . "' ,'"
				. $lastname . "'"
				. ");";
			$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8mb4");
			$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		if (!$this->isUserRegisteredWithBotID($userId, $botID)) {
			$sql = "INSERT INTO  `" . $this->database . "`.`dicusers_bots` (`userID`,`botID`)
					VALUES ('"
				. $userId . "' ,'"
				. $botID . "'"
				. ");";
			$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
			$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		return true;
	public function insertUsersBots($userId, $botID, $active)
		if (!$this->isUserRegisteredWithBotID($userId, $botID)) {
			$sql = "INSERT INTO  `" . $this->database . "`.`dicusers_bots` (`userID`,`botID`,active)
			VALUES ('"
				. $userId . "' ,'"
				. $botID . "',"
				. $active
				. ");";
			$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
			$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		} else {
			$sql = "UPDATE  `" . $this->database . "`.`dicusers_bots` set active=$active where 
			userID like '$userId' and botID like '$botID'";
			$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
			$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
	public function isUserRegisteredWithBotID($userId, $botID)
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`dicusers_bots` WHERE userID='" . $userId . "' and botID='" . $botID . "'";

		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		$words = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
		//$testMessage = count($words)." is user".PHP_EOL;
		//file_put_contents ( "isusertestbot.html", $testMessage, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX );

		if (isset($words) && count($words) > 0)
			return true;
			return false;
	public function getSomeUsers($notThisUser)
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`dicusers` where step ='userIsTranslating' AND role ='TRANSLATOR' AND userid!='$notThisUser' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 7";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		while ($wordArrayResult[] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result));

		return $wordArrayResult;
	public function insertUserActivity($userId, $searchedWord, $intentID)
		$translated = $this->translated ? 1 : -1;
		$sql = "INSERT INTO  `" . $this->database . "`.`user_activities` (`userid`,`searchedWord`,`intent_id`,`translated`,`trdate`)
					VALUES ('"
			. $userId . "' ,'"
			. $searchedWord . "' ,"
			. $intentID . " ,'"
			. $translated . "' ,"
			. "now()"
			. ");";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		return $this->connection->insert_id;

	public function isOverUsage($userId, $limit, &$numberOfTranslated)
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`user_activities` WHERE userid='" . $userId . "' AND date(trdate) = CURDATE()";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		$count = mysqli_num_rows($result);
		$numberOfTranslated = $count;
		if ($count > $limit)
			return true;
			return false;
	public function getNumberOfCurrencyConverts($userId)
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`user_activities` WHERE userid='" . $userId . "' AND intent_id=1 AND date(trdate) = CURDATE()";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		$count = mysqli_num_rows($result);
		return $count;
	public function getNumberOfExtracts($userId)
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`user_activities` WHERE userid='" . $userId . "' AND intent_id=4 AND date(trdate) = CURDATE()";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		$count = mysqli_num_rows($result);
		return $count;
	public function getNumberOfActivityWithIntentId($userId, $intentId)
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`user_activities` WHERE userid='" . $userId . "' AND intent_id=$intentId AND date(trdate) = CURDATE()";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		$count = mysqli_num_rows($result);
		return $count;
	public function hasUserSuggested($userId, $suggestedNumber)
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`dic_suggested_users` WHERE userid='" . $userId . "'";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		$count = mysqli_num_rows($result);

		//  	 		$testMessage = var_export ( $userId.":".$count, true );
		//  	 		file_put_contents ( "testsuggestedbot.html", $testMessage.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX );
		if ($count >= $suggestedNumber)
			return true;
			return false;
	public function isUserSuggested($newSuggestedUserId)
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM  `" . $this->database . "`.`dic_suggested_users` WHERE suggestedid='" . $newSuggestedUserId . "'";
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		$user = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
		if (isset($user))
			return true;
			return false;
	public function insertSuggested($userId, $newSuggestedUserId)
		if ($this->isUserSuggested($newSuggestedUserId))
			return false;

		$sql = "INSERT INTO  `" . $this->database . "`.`dic_suggested_users` (`userid`,`suggestedid`,`Datum`)
					VALUES ('"
			. $userId . "' ,'"
			. $newSuggestedUserId . "' ,"
			. "now()"
			. ");";
		$this->connection->query("SET NAMES utf8");
		$result = $this->connection->query($sql) or die($this->connection->error);
		return true;
	public function isPersianLanguage($word)
		return preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', $word)
			&& !preg_match('/ü/', $word)
			&& !preg_match('/Ü/', $word)
			&& !preg_match('/ä/', $word)
			&& !preg_match('/Ä/', $word)
			&& !preg_match('/ö/', $word)
			&& !preg_match('/Ö/', $word)
			&& !preg_match('/ß/', $word);
	public function query($sql, $debug=false){
		if($debug == true){
		return parent::query($sql);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
DatabaseHandler.php File 2.75 KB 0755
DictionaryDatabaseHandler.php File 21.51 KB 0755
DictionaryEnglishDatabaseHandler.php File 8.44 KB 0755
MysqlUpper.class.php File 2.09 KB 0755