[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $

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 * Description of Leo
 * @author len
class Leo {
    //put your code here
    public $word; 
    public $plural; 
    public $url; 
    public $artikel; 
    public $resultXml; 
    public $wordType; 
    function __construct() {
    function findWord($word){
         $this->url = "https://dict.leo.org/dictQuery/m-vocab/ende/query.xml?lang=de&search=$word&side=both&order=advanced&sectLenMax=16";
         $this->resultXml =  file_get_contents($this->url);
         $pattern = '/lang="de" hitcount="(.*)"/';
         preg_match($pattern, $this->resultXml, $matches);
         $hitCount = $matches[1];
            return true;
             return false;
    function getWordType(){
        $pattern ='/sctName=\"([^"]*)\"/';
        preg_match($pattern, $this->resultXml, $matches);
        $this->wordType = trim($matches[1]);
        return trim($matches[1]); 
//        return trim($this->url); 
    function isSubstantive(){
        return strpos($this->wordType, "subst") >= 0;
    function getWordArtikel(){
        $pattern ='/lang="de"><repr xml:space="preserve">(.*?)<b>/';
        preg_match($pattern, $this->resultXml, $matches);
//        return str_replace("der ", "m", $matches[1]);
//        return str_replace("die ", "f", $matches[1]);
//        return str_replace("das ", "n", $matches[1]);
//        return $matches[1];
//        return $matches[1];
        if($matches[1] == "die "){
            return "f";
        else if($matches[1] == "der "){
            return "m";
        else if ($matches[1] == "das "){
            return "n";
            return false;
//        switch(strtolower(trim($matches[1]))){
//            case "der":
//                return "m";
//            break;
//            case "die":
//                return "f";
//            break;
//            case "das":
//                return "n";
//            break;
//            default:
//                return false;
//        }
    function getVerbPerfekt(){
            $pattern ='/<t n="forms_pl_form">Pl\.:<\/t><\/m><\/i> die[\s\S](.*?)<\/small>/';
            preg_match($pattern, $this->resultXml, $matches);
            $this->artikel =  trim($matches[1]); 
    function getWordPlural(){
            $pattern ='/<t n="forms_pl_form">Pl\.:<\/t><\/m><\/i> die[\s\S](.*?)<\/small>/';
            preg_match($pattern, $this->resultXml, $matches);
            return $this->plural =  trim($matches[1]); 


Name Type Size Permission Actions
handlers Folder 0755
DictCC.class.php File 1.66 KB 0755
LearnSystem.database.class.php File 11.86 KB 0755
LearnSystem.php File 42.87 KB 0755
Leo.class.php File 2.79 KB 0755
Linguee.class.php File 1.96 KB 0755