[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
// ini_set("max_execution_time", 0);
set_time_limit(0);// to infinity for example
include "../../classes/tools/simple_html_dom.php";

class ManuallyLoghatnamehEnglish {
	private $translatedHTML;
	private $resultArray ;
	function __construct(){
		$this->translatedHTML = "";
		public function getResultInArray($translatedLanguage){
			$html = str_get_html($this->translatedHTML);
				return "";
				case "entofa" :  
					$mainMeanings = $html->find('div');
					// get main words
					foreach($mainMeanings as $div){
						if($div->getAttribute("align") == "center")
							$mainMean= $div->plaintext;	
//							$mainMean= $div;	
					// get main en to fa
//                    echo PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL."---------------------------------------------- look";
//					$translatedAnalyze = $html->find('#EnToFaAnalyze');
//                    print_r($translatedAnalyze[0]->plaintext);
//                    echo PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL."-------------------------------------------- end";
//					$htmlTranslated = $html->find('#EnToFa');
//                    print_r($htmlTranslated[0]);
//                    exit();
//                    print_r($htmlTranslated);
//                    $allWordsAndMeanings = [];
//                    if(isset($htmlTranslated[0]))
//                       $allWordsAndMeanings = $htmlTranslated[0]->find('div');
//                       print_r($allWordsAndMeanings);
//    print_r($allWordsAndMeanings);
//                                        $mainMean[0]->find
//					$waitForTranslation = false;
//					$waitForWord = true;
//					$currentWord = Array();
//					foreach($allWordsAndMeanings as $wordOrMeaning) {
//						if($wordOrMeaning->getAttribute("class") == "WordA" && $waitForWord){
//							$currentWord['word'] = $wordOrMeaning->plaintext;
//							$waitForTranslation = true;
//							$waitForWord = false;
//						}
//						if($wordOrMeaning->getAttribute("class") == "Mean" && $waitForTranslation){
//							$currentWord['mean'] = $wordOrMeaning->plaintext;
//							$waitForTranslation = false;
//							$waitForWord = true;
//							$words[]=$currentWord;
//						}
//					}

					// get main en to fa similar words
					$htmlTranslated = $html->find('#EnToFaSimWord');
                    $allWordsAndMeanings = [];
                                            $allWordsAndMeanings = $htmlTranslated[0]->find('div');
					$waitForTranslation = false;
					$waitForWord = true;
					$currentWord = Array();
					foreach($allWordsAndMeanings as $wordOrMeaning) {
						if($wordOrMeaning->getAttribute("class") == "WordA" && $waitForWord){
							$currentWord['word'] = $wordOrMeaning->plaintext;
							$waitForTranslation = true;
							$waitForWord = false;
						if($wordOrMeaning->getAttribute("class") == "Mean" && $waitForTranslation){
							$currentWord['mean'] = $wordOrMeaning->plaintext;
							$waitForTranslation = false;
							$waitForWord = true;

					// get main en to fa similar experession
					$htmlTranslated = $html->find('#EnToFaSimExp');
                    $allWordsAndMeanings = [];
                                            $allWordsAndMeanings = $htmlTranslated[0]->find('div');
					$waitForTranslation = false;
					$waitForWord = true;
					$currentWord = Array();
					foreach($allWordsAndMeanings as $wordOrMeaning) {
						if($wordOrMeaning->getAttribute("class") == "WordA" && $waitForWord){
							$currentWord['word'] = $wordOrMeaning->plaintext;
							$waitForTranslation = true;
							$waitForWord = false;
						if($wordOrMeaning->getAttribute("class") == "Mean" && $waitForTranslation){
							$currentWord['mean'] = $wordOrMeaning->plaintext;
							$waitForTranslation = false;
							$waitForWord = true;
					// get syn words
					$htmlFaToEnSyn = $html->find('#EnToFaSyn');
                    $allSynAndMeanings = [];
                        $allSynAndMeanings = $htmlFaToEnSyn[0]->find('div');
					$waitForType = false;
					$waitForTranslation = false;
					$waitForSynWord = true;
					$currentSynWord = Array();
					$meanType ="";
					foreach($allSynAndMeanings as $wordOrMeaning) {
						if($wordOrMeaning->getAttribute("class") == "MeanType"){
							// 					$currentSynWord['synWord']['meanType'] = $wordOrMeaning->plaintext;
							$meanType = $wordOrMeaning->plaintext;
							$waitForWord = true;
							$waitForTranslation = false;
						if($wordOrMeaning->getAttribute("class") == "WordB" && $waitForWord){
							$currentSynWord['word'] = $wordOrMeaning->plaintext;
							$waitForTranslation = true;
							$waitForWord = false;
						if($wordOrMeaning->getAttribute("class") == "Mean" && $waitForTranslation){
							$currentSynWord['mean'] = $wordOrMeaning->plaintext;
							$waitForTranslation = false;
							$waitForWord = true;
//					$wordTranslation['words']="";
//                    print_r($wordTranslation);
				case "fatoen": 
					$allNouns = $html->find('.Phonetic');
					$htmlFaToEn = $html->find('#FaToEn');
					$allWordsAndMeanings = $htmlFaToEn[0]->find('div');
					$htmlFaToEnSyn = $html->find('#FaToEnSyn');
					$allSynAndMeanings = $htmlFaToEnSyn[0]->find('div');
					foreach($allNouns as $noun) {
					$waitForTranslation = false;
					$waitForWord = true;
					$currentWord = Array();
					foreach($allWordsAndMeanings as $wordOrMeaning) {
						if($wordOrMeaning->getAttribute("class") == "WordB" && $waitForWord){
							$currentWord['word'] = $wordOrMeaning->plaintext;
							$waitForTranslation = true;
							$waitForWord = false;
						if($wordOrMeaning->getAttribute("class") == "Mean" && $waitForTranslation){
							$currentWord['mean'] = $wordOrMeaning->plaintext;
							$waitForTranslation = false;
							$waitForWord = true;
					//********************get synonyms **************************//
					$waitForType = false;
					$waitForTranslation = false;
					$waitForSynWord = true;
					$currentSynWord = Array();
					$meanType ="";
					foreach($allSynAndMeanings as $wordOrMeaning) {
						if($wordOrMeaning->getAttribute("class") == "MeanType"){
							// 					$currentSynWord['synWord']['meanType'] = $wordOrMeaning->plaintext;
							$meanType = $wordOrMeaning->plaintext;
							$waitForWord = true;
							$waitForTranslation = false;
						if($wordOrMeaning->getAttribute("class") == "WordA" && $waitForWord){
// 							$currentSynWord[$meanType]['word'] = $wordOrMeaning->plaintext;
							$currentSynWord['word'] = $wordOrMeaning->plaintext;
							$waitForTranslation = true;
							$waitForWord = false;
						if($wordOrMeaning->getAttribute("class") == "Mean" && $waitForTranslation){
// 							$currentSynWord[$meanType]['mean'] = $wordOrMeaning->plaintext;
							$currentSynWord['mean'] = $wordOrMeaning->plaintext;
							$waitForTranslation = false;
							$waitForWord = true;

 			return $wordTranslation;	

		public function translateText($txt,$ln1="DE"){
			$ch = curl_init();
				$ln2 ="FA";
				$ln2 ="DE";

			try {
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://www.dicu.ir/tarjomeh2.php" );
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "txt=$txt&lang1=$ln1&lang2=$ln2" );
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1 );
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'gzip, deflate' );
			$headers = array ();
			$headers [] = "Host: www.dicu.ir";
			$headers [] = "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0";
			$headers [] = "Accept: */*";
			$headers [] = "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5";
			$headers [] = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
			$headers [] = "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest";
			$headers [] = "Referer: http://www.dicu.ir/index.php";
			$headers [] = "Cookie: HstCfa2992739=1486424263604; HstCla2992739=1486424263604; HstCmu2992739=1486424263604; HstPn2992739=1; HstPt2992739=1; HstCnv2992739=1; HstCns2992739=1";
			$headers [] = "Connection: keep-alive";
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers );
			$result = curl_exec ( $ch );
			if (curl_errno ( $ch )) {
				echo 'Error:' . curl_error ( $ch );
			curl_close ( $ch );
				$this->translatedHTML = $result;

// 				$this->resultArray = $this->getResultInArray();
// 				return $this->resultArray;
			} catch ( Exception $e ) {
				return "";
		public function translate($word,$ln="entofa"){
			if($ln == "entofa" || $ln == "EN")
				$ln = "entofa";
				$ln = "fatoen";
                        $word = str_replace(" ", "%20",$word);
                        $url = "http://dictionary.abadis.ir/DicServer.aspx?Word=$word&LnType=$ln";

            //            $url = "http://towist.com/About/index.html";
                                    // Generated by curl-to-PHP: http://incarnate.github.io/curl-to-php/
                        $ch = curl_init();
                        try {

                        $proxies = array(); // Declaring an array to store the proxy list
                        // Adding list of proxies to the $proxies array
                        $proxies[] = 'user:password@';  // Some proxies require user, password, IP and port number
                        $proxies[] = 'user:password@';
                        $proxies[] = 'user:password@';
                        $proxies[] = '';  // Some proxies only require IP
                        $proxies[] = '';
                        $proxies[] = ''; // Some proxies require IP and port number
                        $proxies[] = '';
                        $proxy = '';
            //            $proxy = '';
            //            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);
// 			curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://dictionary.abadis.ir/DicServer.aspx?Word=%\"u0647\"%\"u0648\"%\"u0627&LnType=fatoen\"");
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "GET");
                        // Set any other cURL options that are required
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
                        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true );
                        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "cookieDic2.txt" );
                        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "cookieDic2.txt" );

                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'gzip, deflate');

                        $headers = array();
                        $headers[] = "Host: dictionary.abadis.ir";
                        $headers[] = "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0";
                        $headers[] = "Accept: */*";
                        $headers[] = "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5";
                        $headers[] = "Referer: http://dictionary.abadis.ir/?LnType=$ln&Word=$word";
//                        $headers[] = "Cookie: DicItem=$ln; _ga=GA1.2.455845501.1486720265; ASP.NET_SessionId=dkezcpcfo3ftkara4kyebzjl";
                        $headers[] = "Cookie: DicItem=$ln; _ga=GA1.2.455845501.1586720263; ASP.NET_SessionId=dkezcpcfo3ftkara4kyebzjm";
                        $headers[] = "Connection: keep-alive";
                        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

                        $result = curl_exec($ch);
                        file_put_contents("result.html", $result);
            //            $result = file_get_contents("result.html");
            //            print_r($result);
                                    if (curl_errno($ch)) {
                                            echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch);
                                    curl_close ($ch);
                                    $this->translatedHTML = $result;
                                    $this->resultArray = $this->getResultInArray($ln);
                                    return $this->resultArray;

                                    } catch ( Exception $e ) {
                                            return "";
		public function makeTranslationTextMessage() {
			$translated ="";
			foreach ($this->resultArray  as $table){
				foreach($table as $tr){
						$translated.= trim($tr[2]).": ".$tr[5].PHP_EOL;
				$translated ="Keine Ahnung :(";
				$translated . " :)";
			return $translated;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
ManuallyLoghatnamehEnglish.php File 13.7 KB 0755