[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
<?php namespace thiagoalessio\TesseractOCR;

class FriendlyErrors
	public static function checkImagePath($image)
		if (file_exists($image)) return;

		$currentDir = __DIR__;
		$msg = array();
		$msg[] = "Error! The image \"$image\" was not found.";
		$msg[] = '';
		$msg[] = "The current __DIR__ is $currentDir";
		$msg = join(PHP_EOL, $msg);

		throw new ImageNotFoundException($msg);

	public static function checkTesseractPresence($executable)
		if (file_exists($executable)) return;

		$cmd = stripos(PHP_OS, 'win') === 0
			? 'where.exe '.Command::escape($executable).' > NUL 2>&1'
			: 'type '.Command::escape($executable).' > /dev/null 2>&1';
		system($cmd, $exitCode);

		if ($exitCode == 0) return;

		$currentPath = getenv('PATH');
		$msg = array();
		$msg[] = "Error! The command \"$executable\" was not found.";
		$msg[] = '';
		$msg[] = 'Make sure you have Tesseract OCR installed on your system:';
		$msg[] = 'https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract';
		$msg[] = '';
		$msg[] = "The current \$PATH is $currentPath";
		$msg = join(PHP_EOL, $msg);

		throw new TesseractNotFoundException($msg);

	public static function checkCommandExecution($command, $stdout, $stderr)
		if ($command->useFileAsOutput) {
		    $file = $command->getOutputFile();
		    if (file_exists($file) && filesize($file) > 0)  return;

		if (!$command->useFileAsOutput && $stdout) {

		$msg = array();
		$msg[] = 'Error! The command did not produce any output.';
		$msg[] = '';
		$msg[] = 'Generated command:';
		$msg[] = "$command";
		$msg[] = '';
		$msg[] = 'Returned message:';
		$arrayStderr = explode(PHP_EOL, $stderr);
		$msg = array_merge($msg, $arrayStderr);
		$msg = join(PHP_EOL, $msg);

		throw new UnsuccessfulCommandException($msg);

	public static function checkProcessCreation($processHandle, $command)
		if ($processHandle !== FALSE) return;

		$msg = array();
		$msg[] = 'Error! The command could not be launched.';
		$msg[] = '';
		$msg[] = 'Generated command:';
		$msg[] = "$command";
		$msg = join(PHP_EOL, $msg);

		throw new UnsuccessfulCommandException($msg);

	public static function checkTesseractVersion($expected, $action, $command)
		$actual = $command->getTesseractVersion();

		if ($actual[0] === 'v')
			$actual = substr($actual, 1);

		if (version_compare($actual, $expected, ">=")) return;

		$msg = array();
		$msg[] = "Error! $action is not available this tesseract version";
		$msg[] = "Required version is $expected, actual version is $actual";
		$msg[] = '';
		$msg[] = 'Generated command:';
		$msg[] = "$command";
		$msg = join(PHP_EOL, $msg);

		throw new FeatureNotAvailableException($msg);

	public static function checkWritePermissions($path)
		if (!is_dir(dirname($path))) mkdir(dirname($path));
		$writableDirectory = is_writable(dirname($path));
		$writableFile = true;
		if (file_exists($path)) $writableFile = is_writable($path);
		if ($writableFile && $writableDirectory) return;

		$msg = array();
		$msg[] = "Error! No permission to write to $path";
		$msg[] = "Make sure you have the right outputFile and permissions "
			."to write to the folder";
		$msg[] = '';
		$msg = join(PHP_EOL, $msg);

		throw new NoWritePermissionsForOutputFile($msg);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Command.php File 2.02 KB 0755
FeatureNotAvailableException.php File 115 B 0755
FriendlyErrors.php File 3.2 KB 0755
ImageNotFoundException.php File 109 B 0755
NoWritePermissionsForOutputFile.php File 118 B 0755
Option.php File 1.95 KB 0755
Process.php File 2.12 KB 0755
TesseractNotFoundException.php File 113 B 0755
TesseractOCR.php File 4.44 KB 0755
TesseractOcrException.php File 106 B 0755
UnsuccessfulCommandException.php File 115 B 0755