<?php namespace thiagoalessio\TesseractOCR;
class Process {
private $stdin;
private $stdout;
private $stderr;
private $handle;
private $startTime;
public function __construct($command)
$this->startTime = microtime(true);
$streamDescriptors = [
array("pipe", "r"),
array("pipe", "w"),
array("pipe", "w")
$this->handle = proc_open($command, $streamDescriptors, $pipes, NULL, NULL, ["bypass_shell" => true]);
list($this->stdin, $this->stdout, $this->stderr) = $pipes;
FriendlyErrors::checkProcessCreation($this->handle, $command);
//This is can avoid deadlock on some cases (when stderr buffer is filled up before writing to stdout and vice-versa)
stream_set_blocking($this->stdout, 0);
stream_set_blocking($this->stderr, 0);
public function write($data, $len)
$total = 0;
$res = fwrite($this->stdin, substr($data, $total));
} while($res && $total += $res < $len);
return $total === $len;
public function wait($timeout = 0)
$running = true;
$data = ["out" => "", "err" => ""];
while (($running === true) && !$this->hasTimedOut($timeout))
$data["out"] .= fread($this->stdout, 8192);
$data["err"] .= fread($this->stderr, 8192);
$procInfo = proc_get_status($this->handle);
$running = $procInfo["running"];
return $data;
public function close()
return proc_close($this->handle);
public function closeStdin()
private function hasTimedOut($timeout)
return (($timeout > 0) && ($this->startTime + $timeout < microtime(true)));
private function closeStream(&$stream)
if ($stream !== NULL)
$stream = NULL;