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 * Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

use Google\Auth\ApplicationDefaultCredentials;
use Google\Auth\Cache\MemoryCacheItemPool;
use Google\Auth\CredentialsLoader;
use Google\Auth\HttpHandler\HttpHandlerFactory;
use Google\Auth\OAuth2;
use Google\Auth\Credentials\ServiceAccountCredentials;
use Google\Auth\Credentials\UserRefreshCredentials;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\Ring\Client\StreamHandler;
use Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler as MonologStreamHandler;
use Monolog\Handler\SyslogHandler as MonologSyslogHandler;

 * The Google API Client
 * https://github.com/google/google-api-php-client
class Google_Client
  const LIBVER = "2.2.2";
  const USER_AGENT_SUFFIX = "google-api-php-client/";
  const OAUTH2_REVOKE_URI = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/revoke';
  const OAUTH2_TOKEN_URI = 'https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token';
  const OAUTH2_AUTH_URL = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth';
  const API_BASE_PATH = 'https://www.googleapis.com';

   * @var Google\Auth\OAuth2 $auth
  private $auth;

   * @var GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface $http
  private $http;

   * @var Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface $cache
  private $cache;

   * @var array access token
  private $token;

   * @var array $config
  private $config;

   * @var Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger
  private $logger;

   * @var boolean $deferExecution
  private $deferExecution = false;

  /** @var array $scopes */
  // Scopes requested by the client
  protected $requestedScopes = [];

   * Construct the Google Client.
   * @param array $config
  public function __construct(array $config = array())
    $this->config = array_merge(
          'application_name' => '',

          // Don't change these unless you're working against a special development
          // or testing environment.
          'base_path' => self::API_BASE_PATH,

          // https://developers.google.com/console
          'client_id' => '',
          'client_secret' => '',
          'redirect_uri' => null,
          'state' => null,

          // Simple API access key, also from the API console. Ensure you get
          // a Server key, and not a Browser key.
          'developer_key' => '',

          // For use with Google Cloud Platform
          // fetch the ApplicationDefaultCredentials, if applicable
          // @see https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/application-default-credentials
          'use_application_default_credentials' => false,
          'signing_key' => null,
          'signing_algorithm' => null,
          'subject' => null,

          // Other OAuth2 parameters.
          'hd' => '',
          'prompt' => '',
          'openid.realm' => '',
          'include_granted_scopes' => null,
          'login_hint' => '',
          'request_visible_actions' => '',
          'access_type' => 'online',
          'approval_prompt' => 'auto',

          // Task Runner retry configuration
          // @see Google_Task_Runner
          'retry' => array(),

          // cache config for downstream auth caching
          'cache_config' => [],

          // function to be called when an access token is fetched
          // follows the signature function ($cacheKey, $accessToken)
          'token_callback' => null,

          // Service class used in Google_Client::verifyIdToken.
          // Explicitly pass this in to avoid setting JWT::$leeway
          'jwt' => null,

   * Get a string containing the version of the library.
   * @return string
  public function getLibraryVersion()
    return self::LIBVER;

   * For backwards compatibility
   * alias for fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode
   * @param $code string code from accounts.google.com
   * @return array access token
   * @deprecated
  public function authenticate($code)
    return $this->fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($code);

   * Attempt to exchange a code for an valid authentication token.
   * Helper wrapped around the OAuth 2.0 implementation.
   * @param $code string code from accounts.google.com
   * @return array access token
  public function fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($code)
    if (strlen($code) == 0) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid code");

    $auth = $this->getOAuth2Service();

    $httpHandler = HttpHandlerFactory::build($this->getHttpClient());
    $creds = $auth->fetchAuthToken($httpHandler);
    if ($creds && isset($creds['access_token'])) {
      $creds['created'] = time();

    return $creds;

   * For backwards compatibility
   * alias for fetchAccessTokenWithAssertion
   * @return array access token
   * @deprecated
  public function refreshTokenWithAssertion()
    return $this->fetchAccessTokenWithAssertion();

   * Fetches a fresh access token with a given assertion token.
   * @param ClientInterface $authHttp optional.
   * @return array access token
  public function fetchAccessTokenWithAssertion(ClientInterface $authHttp = null)
    if (!$this->isUsingApplicationDefaultCredentials()) {
      throw new DomainException(
          'set the JSON service account credentials using'
          . ' Google_Client::setAuthConfig or set the path to your JSON file'
          . ' with the "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS" environment variable'
          . ' and call Google_Client::useApplicationDefaultCredentials to'
          . ' refresh a token with assertion.'

        'OAuth2 access token refresh with Signed JWT assertion grants.'

    $credentials = $this->createApplicationDefaultCredentials();

    $httpHandler = HttpHandlerFactory::build($authHttp);
    $creds = $credentials->fetchAuthToken($httpHandler);
    if ($creds && isset($creds['access_token'])) {
      $creds['created'] = time();

    return $creds;

   * For backwards compatibility
   * alias for fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken
   * @param string $refreshToken
   * @return array access token
  public function refreshToken($refreshToken)
    return $this->fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken($refreshToken);

   * Fetches a fresh OAuth 2.0 access token with the given refresh token.
   * @param string $refreshToken
   * @return array access token
  public function fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken($refreshToken = null)
    if (null === $refreshToken) {
      if (!isset($this->token['refresh_token'])) {
        throw new LogicException(
            'refresh token must be passed in or set as part of setAccessToken'
      $refreshToken = $this->token['refresh_token'];
    $this->getLogger()->info('OAuth2 access token refresh');
    $auth = $this->getOAuth2Service();

    $httpHandler = HttpHandlerFactory::build($this->getHttpClient());
    $creds = $auth->fetchAuthToken($httpHandler);
    if ($creds && isset($creds['access_token'])) {
      $creds['created'] = time();
      if (!isset($creds['refresh_token'])) {
        $creds['refresh_token'] = $refreshToken;

    return $creds;

   * Create a URL to obtain user authorization.
   * The authorization endpoint allows the user to first
   * authenticate, and then grant/deny the access request.
   * @param string|array $scope The scope is expressed as an array or list of space-delimited strings.
   * @return string
  public function createAuthUrl($scope = null)
    if (empty($scope)) {
      $scope = $this->prepareScopes();
    if (is_array($scope)) {
      $scope = implode(' ', $scope);

    // only accept one of prompt or approval_prompt
    $approvalPrompt = $this->config['prompt']
      ? null
      : $this->config['approval_prompt'];

    // include_granted_scopes should be string "true", string "false", or null
    $includeGrantedScopes = $this->config['include_granted_scopes'] === null
      ? null
      : var_export($this->config['include_granted_scopes'], true);

    $params = array_filter(
          'access_type' => $this->config['access_type'],
          'approval_prompt' => $approvalPrompt,
          'hd' => $this->config['hd'],
          'include_granted_scopes' => $includeGrantedScopes,
          'login_hint' => $this->config['login_hint'],
          'openid.realm' => $this->config['openid.realm'],
          'prompt' => $this->config['prompt'],
          'response_type' => 'code',
          'scope' => $scope,
          'state' => $this->config['state'],

    // If the list of scopes contains plus.login, add request_visible_actions
    // to auth URL.
    $rva = $this->config['request_visible_actions'];
    if (strlen($rva) > 0 && false !== strpos($scope, 'plus.login')) {
        $params['request_visible_actions'] = $rva;

    $auth = $this->getOAuth2Service();

    return (string) $auth->buildFullAuthorizationUri($params);

   * Adds auth listeners to the HTTP client based on the credentials
   * set in the Google API Client object
   * @param GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface $http the http client object.
   * @return GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface the http client object
  public function authorize(ClientInterface $http = null)
    $credentials = null;
    $token = null;
    $scopes = null;
    if (null === $http) {
      $http = $this->getHttpClient();

    // These conditionals represent the decision tree for authentication
    //   1.  Check for Application Default Credentials
    //   2.  Check for API Key
    //   3a. Check for an Access Token
    //   3b. If access token exists but is expired, try to refresh it
    if ($this->isUsingApplicationDefaultCredentials()) {
      $credentials = $this->createApplicationDefaultCredentials();
    } elseif ($token = $this->getAccessToken()) {
      $scopes = $this->prepareScopes();
      // add refresh subscriber to request a new token
      if (isset($token['refresh_token']) && $this->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
        $credentials = $this->createUserRefreshCredentials(

    $authHandler = $this->getAuthHandler();

    if ($credentials) {
      $callback = $this->config['token_callback'];
      $http = $authHandler->attachCredentials($http, $credentials, $callback);
    } elseif ($token) {
      $http = $authHandler->attachToken($http, $token, (array) $scopes);
    } elseif ($key = $this->config['developer_key']) {
      $http = $authHandler->attachKey($http, $key);

    return $http;

   * Set the configuration to use application default credentials for
   * authentication
   * @see https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/application-default-credentials
   * @param boolean $useAppCreds
  public function useApplicationDefaultCredentials($useAppCreds = true)
    $this->config['use_application_default_credentials'] = $useAppCreds;

   * To prevent useApplicationDefaultCredentials from inappropriately being
   * called in a conditional
   * @see https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/application-default-credentials
  public function isUsingApplicationDefaultCredentials()
    return $this->config['use_application_default_credentials'];

   * @param string|array $token
   * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  public function setAccessToken($token)
    if (is_string($token)) {
      if ($json = json_decode($token, true)) {
        $token = $json;
      } else {
        // assume $token is just the token string
        $token = array(
          'access_token' => $token,
    if ($token == null) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException('invalid json token');
    if (!isset($token['access_token'])) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid token format");
    $this->token = $token;

  public function getAccessToken()
    return $this->token;

   * @return string|null
  public function getRefreshToken()
    if (isset($this->token['refresh_token'])) {
      return $this->token['refresh_token'];

    return null;

   * Returns if the access_token is expired.
   * @return bool Returns True if the access_token is expired.
  public function isAccessTokenExpired()
    if (!$this->token) {
      return true;

    $created = 0;
    if (isset($this->token['created'])) {
      $created = $this->token['created'];
    } elseif (isset($this->token['id_token'])) {
      // check the ID token for "iat"
      // signature verification is not required here, as we are just
      // using this for convenience to save a round trip request
      // to the Google API server
      $idToken = $this->token['id_token'];
      if (substr_count($idToken, '.') == 2) {
        $parts = explode('.', $idToken);
        $payload = json_decode(base64_decode($parts[1]), true);
        if ($payload && isset($payload['iat'])) {
          $created = $payload['iat'];

    // If the token is set to expire in the next 30 seconds.
    return ($created + ($this->token['expires_in'] - 30)) < time();

   * @deprecated See UPGRADING.md for more information
  public function getAuth()
    throw new BadMethodCallException(
        'This function no longer exists. See UPGRADING.md for more information'

   * @deprecated See UPGRADING.md for more information
  public function setAuth($auth)
    throw new BadMethodCallException(
        'This function no longer exists. See UPGRADING.md for more information'

   * Set the OAuth 2.0 Client ID.
   * @param string $clientId
  public function setClientId($clientId)
    $this->config['client_id'] = $clientId;

  public function getClientId()
    return $this->config['client_id'];

   * Set the OAuth 2.0 Client Secret.
   * @param string $clientSecret
  public function setClientSecret($clientSecret)
    $this->config['client_secret'] = $clientSecret;

  public function getClientSecret()
    return $this->config['client_secret'];

   * Set the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URI.
   * @param string $redirectUri
  public function setRedirectUri($redirectUri)
    $this->config['redirect_uri'] = $redirectUri;

  public function getRedirectUri()
    return $this->config['redirect_uri'];

   * Set OAuth 2.0 "state" parameter to achieve per-request customization.
   * @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-22#section-
   * @param string $state
  public function setState($state)
    $this->config['state'] = $state;

   * @param string $accessType Possible values for access_type include:
   *  {@code "offline"} to request offline access from the user.
   *  {@code "online"} to request online access from the user.
  public function setAccessType($accessType)
    $this->config['access_type'] = $accessType;

   * @param string $approvalPrompt Possible values for approval_prompt include:
   *  {@code "force"} to force the approval UI to appear.
   *  {@code "auto"} to request auto-approval when possible. (This is the default value)
  public function setApprovalPrompt($approvalPrompt)
    $this->config['approval_prompt'] = $approvalPrompt;

   * Set the login hint, email address or sub id.
   * @param string $loginHint
  public function setLoginHint($loginHint)
    $this->config['login_hint'] = $loginHint;

   * Set the application name, this is included in the User-Agent HTTP header.
   * @param string $applicationName
  public function setApplicationName($applicationName)
    $this->config['application_name'] = $applicationName;

   * If 'plus.login' is included in the list of requested scopes, you can use
   * this method to define types of app activities that your app will write.
   * You can find a list of available types here:
   * @link https://developers.google.com/+/api/moment-types
   * @param array $requestVisibleActions Array of app activity types
  public function setRequestVisibleActions($requestVisibleActions)
    if (is_array($requestVisibleActions)) {
      $requestVisibleActions = implode(" ", $requestVisibleActions);
    $this->config['request_visible_actions'] = $requestVisibleActions;

   * Set the developer key to use, these are obtained through the API Console.
   * @see http://code.google.com/apis/console-help/#generatingdevkeys
   * @param string $developerKey
  public function setDeveloperKey($developerKey)
    $this->config['developer_key'] = $developerKey;

   * Set the hd (hosted domain) parameter streamlines the login process for
   * Google Apps hosted accounts. By including the domain of the user, you
   * restrict sign-in to accounts at that domain.
   * @param $hd string - the domain to use.
  public function setHostedDomain($hd)
    $this->config['hd'] = $hd;

   * Set the prompt hint. Valid values are none, consent and select_account.
   * If no value is specified and the user has not previously authorized
   * access, then the user is shown a consent screen.
   * @param $prompt string
  public function setPrompt($prompt)
    $this->config['prompt'] = $prompt;

   * openid.realm is a parameter from the OpenID 2.0 protocol, not from OAuth
   * 2.0. It is used in OpenID 2.0 requests to signify the URL-space for which
   * an authentication request is valid.
   * @param $realm string - the URL-space to use.
  public function setOpenidRealm($realm)
    $this->config['openid.realm'] = $realm;

   * If this is provided with the value true, and the authorization request is
   * granted, the authorization will include any previous authorizations
   * granted to this user/application combination for other scopes.
   * @param $include boolean - the URL-space to use.
  public function setIncludeGrantedScopes($include)
    $this->config['include_granted_scopes'] = $include;

   * sets function to be called when an access token is fetched
   * @param callable $tokenCallback - function ($cacheKey, $accessToken)
  public function setTokenCallback(callable $tokenCallback)
    $this->config['token_callback'] = $tokenCallback;

   * Revoke an OAuth2 access token or refresh token. This method will revoke the current access
   * token, if a token isn't provided.
   * @param string|null $token The token (access token or a refresh token) that should be revoked.
   * @return boolean Returns True if the revocation was successful, otherwise False.
  public function revokeToken($token = null)
    $tokenRevoker = new Google_AccessToken_Revoke(

    return $tokenRevoker->revokeToken($token ?: $this->getAccessToken());

   * Verify an id_token. This method will verify the current id_token, if one
   * isn't provided.
   * @throws LogicException
   * @param string|null $idToken The token (id_token) that should be verified.
   * @return array|false Returns the token payload as an array if the verification was
   * successful, false otherwise.
  public function verifyIdToken($idToken = null)
    $tokenVerifier = new Google_AccessToken_Verify(

    if (null === $idToken) {
      $token = $this->getAccessToken();
      if (!isset($token['id_token'])) {
        throw new LogicException(
            'id_token must be passed in or set as part of setAccessToken'
      $idToken = $token['id_token'];

    return $tokenVerifier->verifyIdToken(

   * Set the scopes to be requested. Must be called before createAuthUrl().
   * Will remove any previously configured scopes.
   * @param array $scopes, ie: array('https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login',
   * 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/moderator')
  public function setScopes($scopes)
    $this->requestedScopes = array();

   * This functions adds a scope to be requested as part of the OAuth2.0 flow.
   * Will append any scopes not previously requested to the scope parameter.
   * A single string will be treated as a scope to request. An array of strings
   * will each be appended.
   * @param $scope_or_scopes string|array e.g. "profile"
  public function addScope($scope_or_scopes)
    if (is_string($scope_or_scopes) && !in_array($scope_or_scopes, $this->requestedScopes)) {
      $this->requestedScopes[] = $scope_or_scopes;
    } else if (is_array($scope_or_scopes)) {
      foreach ($scope_or_scopes as $scope) {

   * Returns the list of scopes requested by the client
   * @return array the list of scopes
  public function getScopes()
     return $this->requestedScopes;

   * @return string|null
   * @visible For Testing
  public function prepareScopes()
    if (empty($this->requestedScopes)) {
      return null;

    return implode(' ', $this->requestedScopes);

   * Helper method to execute deferred HTTP requests.
   * @param $request Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface|Google_Http_Batch
   * @throws Google_Exception
   * @return object of the type of the expected class or Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface.
  public function execute(RequestInterface $request, $expectedClass = null)
    $request = $request->withHeader(
        . " " . self::USER_AGENT_SUFFIX
        . $this->getLibraryVersion()

    // call the authorize method
    // this is where most of the grunt work is done
    $http = $this->authorize();

    return Google_Http_REST::execute($http, $request, $expectedClass, $this->config['retry']);

   * Declare whether batch calls should be used. This may increase throughput
   * by making multiple requests in one connection.
   * @param boolean $useBatch True if the batch support should
   * be enabled. Defaults to False.
  public function setUseBatch($useBatch)
    // This is actually an alias for setDefer.

   * Are we running in Google AppEngine?
   * return bool
  public function isAppEngine()
    return (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) &&
        strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Google App Engine') !== false);

  public function setConfig($name, $value)
    $this->config[$name] = $value;

  public function getConfig($name, $default = null)
    return isset($this->config[$name]) ? $this->config[$name] : $default;

   * For backwards compatibility
   * alias for setAuthConfig
   * @param string $file the configuration file
   * @throws Google_Exception
   * @deprecated
  public function setAuthConfigFile($file)

   * Set the auth config from new or deprecated JSON config.
   * This structure should match the file downloaded from
   * the "Download JSON" button on in the Google Developer
   * Console.
   * @param string|array $config the configuration json
   * @throws Google_Exception
  public function setAuthConfig($config)
    if (is_string($config)) {
      if (!file_exists($config)) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('file does not exist');

      $json = file_get_contents($config);

      if (!$config = json_decode($json, true)) {
        throw new LogicException('invalid json for auth config');

    $key = isset($config['installed']) ? 'installed' : 'web';
    if (isset($config['type']) && $config['type'] == 'service_account') {
      // application default credentials

      // set the information from the config
      $this->config['client_email'] = $config['client_email'];
      $this->config['signing_key'] = $config['private_key'];
      $this->config['signing_algorithm'] = 'HS256';
    } elseif (isset($config[$key])) {
      // old-style
      if (isset($config[$key]['redirect_uris'])) {
    } else {
      // new-style
      if (isset($config['redirect_uris'])) {

   * Use when the service account has been delegated domain wide access.
   * @param string $subject an email address account to impersonate
  public function setSubject($subject)
    $this->config['subject'] = $subject;

   * Declare whether making API calls should make the call immediately, or
   * return a request which can be called with ->execute();
   * @param boolean $defer True if calls should not be executed right away.
  public function setDefer($defer)
    $this->deferExecution = $defer;

   * Whether or not to return raw requests
   * @return boolean
  public function shouldDefer()
    return $this->deferExecution;

   * @return Google\Auth\OAuth2 implementation
  public function getOAuth2Service()
    if (!isset($this->auth)) {
      $this->auth = $this->createOAuth2Service();

    return $this->auth;

   * create a default google auth object
  protected function createOAuth2Service()
    $auth = new OAuth2(
          'clientId'          => $this->getClientId(),
          'clientSecret'      => $this->getClientSecret(),
          'authorizationUri'   => self::OAUTH2_AUTH_URL,
          'tokenCredentialUri' => self::OAUTH2_TOKEN_URI,
          'redirectUri'       => $this->getRedirectUri(),
          'issuer'            => $this->config['client_id'],
          'signingKey'        => $this->config['signing_key'],
          'signingAlgorithm'  => $this->config['signing_algorithm'],

    return $auth;

   * Set the Cache object
   * @param Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface $cache
  public function setCache(CacheItemPoolInterface $cache)
    $this->cache = $cache;

   * @return Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface Cache implementation
  public function getCache()
    if (!$this->cache) {
      $this->cache = $this->createDefaultCache();

    return $this->cache;

   * @param array $cacheConfig
  public function setCacheConfig(array $cacheConfig)
    $this->config['cache_config'] = $cacheConfig;

   * Set the Logger object
   * @param Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger
  public function setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger)
    $this->logger = $logger;

   * @return Psr\Log\LoggerInterface implementation
  public function getLogger()
    if (!isset($this->logger)) {
      $this->logger = $this->createDefaultLogger();

    return $this->logger;

  protected function createDefaultLogger()
    $logger = new Logger('google-api-php-client');
    if ($this->isAppEngine()) {
      $handler = new MonologSyslogHandler('app', LOG_USER, Logger::NOTICE);
    } else {
      $handler = new MonologStreamHandler('php://stderr', Logger::NOTICE);

    return $logger;

  protected function createDefaultCache()
    return new MemoryCacheItemPool;

   * Set the Http Client object
   * @param GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface $http
  public function setHttpClient(ClientInterface $http)
    $this->http = $http;

   * @return GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface implementation
  public function getHttpClient()
    if (null === $this->http) {
      $this->http = $this->createDefaultHttpClient();

    return $this->http;

  protected function createDefaultHttpClient()
    $options = ['exceptions' => false];

    $version = ClientInterface::VERSION;
    if ('5' === $version[0]) {
      $options = [
        'base_url' => $this->config['base_path'],
        'defaults' => $options,
      if ($this->isAppEngine()) {
        // set StreamHandler on AppEngine by default
        $options['handler']  = new StreamHandler();
        $options['defaults']['verify'] = '/etc/ca-certificates.crt';
    } else {
      // guzzle 6
      $options['base_uri'] = $this->config['base_path'];

    return new Client($options);

  private function createApplicationDefaultCredentials()
    $scopes = $this->prepareScopes();
    $sub = $this->config['subject'];
    $signingKey = $this->config['signing_key'];

    // create credentials using values supplied in setAuthConfig
    if ($signingKey) {
      $serviceAccountCredentials = array(
        'client_id' => $this->config['client_id'],
        'client_email' => $this->config['client_email'],
        'private_key' => $signingKey,
        'type' => 'service_account',
      $credentials = CredentialsLoader::makeCredentials($scopes, $serviceAccountCredentials);
    } else {
      $credentials = ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getCredentials($scopes);

    // for service account domain-wide authority (impersonating a user)
    // @see https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2ServiceAccount
    if ($sub) {
      if (!$credentials instanceof ServiceAccountCredentials) {
        throw new DomainException('domain-wide authority requires service account credentials');


    return $credentials;

  protected function getAuthHandler()
    // Be very careful using the cache, as the underlying auth library's cache
    // implementation is naive, and the cache keys do not account for user
    // sessions.
    // @see https://github.com/google/google-api-php-client/issues/821
    return Google_AuthHandler_AuthHandlerFactory::build(

  private function createUserRefreshCredentials($scope, $refreshToken)
    $creds = array_filter(
          'client_id' => $this->getClientId(),
          'client_secret' => $this->getClientSecret(),
          'refresh_token' => $refreshToken,

    return new UserRefreshCredentials($scope, $creds);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
AccessToken Folder 0755
AuthHandler Folder 0755
Http Folder 0755
Service Folder 0755
Task Folder 0755
Utils Folder 0755
Client.php File 31.19 KB 0644
Collection.php File 2.32 KB 0644
Exception.php File 647 B 0644
Model.php File 8.59 KB 0644
Service.php File 1.26 KB 0644
autoload.php File 721 B 0644