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 * This file is part of the Monolog package.
 * (c) Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Monolog\Handler;

use Monolog\Logger;

 * Sends notifications through the hipchat api to a hipchat room
 * Notes:
 * API token - HipChat API token
 * Room      - HipChat Room Id or name, where messages are sent
 * Name      - Name used to send the message (from)
 * notify    - Should the message trigger a notification in the clients
 * version   - The API version to use (HipChatHandler::API_V1 | HipChatHandler::API_V2)
 * @author Rafael Dohms <rafael@doh.ms>
 * @see    https://www.hipchat.com/docs/api
class HipChatHandler extends SocketHandler
     * Use API version 1
    const API_V1 = 'v1';

     * Use API version v2
    const API_V2 = 'v2';

     * The maximum allowed length for the name used in the "from" field.
    const MAXIMUM_NAME_LENGTH = 15;

     * The maximum allowed length for the message.
    const MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 9500;

     * @var string
    private $token;

     * @var string
    private $room;

     * @var string
    private $name;

     * @var bool
    private $notify;

     * @var string
    private $format;

     * @var string
    private $host;

     * @var string
    private $version;

     * @param string $token   HipChat API Token
     * @param string $room    The room that should be alerted of the message (Id or Name)
     * @param string $name    Name used in the "from" field.
     * @param bool   $notify  Trigger a notification in clients or not
     * @param int    $level   The minimum logging level at which this handler will be triggered
     * @param bool   $bubble  Whether the messages that are handled can bubble up the stack or not
     * @param bool   $useSSL  Whether to connect via SSL.
     * @param string $format  The format of the messages (default to text, can be set to html if you have html in the messages)
     * @param string $host    The HipChat server hostname.
     * @param string $version The HipChat API version (default HipChatHandler::API_V1)
    public function __construct($token, $room, $name = 'Monolog', $notify = false, $level = Logger::CRITICAL, $bubble = true, $useSSL = true, $format = 'text', $host = 'api.hipchat.com', $version = self::API_V1)
        if ($version == self::API_V1 && !$this->validateStringLength($name, static::MAXIMUM_NAME_LENGTH)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The supplied name is too long. HipChat\'s v1 API supports names up to 15 UTF-8 characters.');

        $connectionString = $useSSL ? 'ssl://'.$host.':443' : $host.':80';
        parent::__construct($connectionString, $level, $bubble);

        $this->token = $token;
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->notify = $notify;
        $this->room = $room;
        $this->format = $format;
        $this->host = $host;
        $this->version = $version;

     * {@inheritdoc}
     * @param  array  $record
     * @return string
    protected function generateDataStream($record)
        $content = $this->buildContent($record);

        return $this->buildHeader($content) . $content;

     * Builds the body of API call
     * @param  array  $record
     * @return string
    private function buildContent($record)
        $dataArray = array(
            'notify' => $this->version == self::API_V1 ?
                ($this->notify ? 1 : 0) :
                ($this->notify ? 'true' : 'false'),
            'message' => $record['formatted'],
            'message_format' => $this->format,
            'color' => $this->getAlertColor($record['level']),

        if (!$this->validateStringLength($dataArray['message'], static::MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_LENGTH)) {
            if (function_exists('mb_substr')) {
                $dataArray['message'] = mb_substr($dataArray['message'], 0, static::MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_LENGTH).' [truncated]';
            } else {
                $dataArray['message'] = substr($dataArray['message'], 0, static::MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_LENGTH).' [truncated]';

        // if we are using the legacy API then we need to send some additional information
        if ($this->version == self::API_V1) {
            $dataArray['room_id'] = $this->room;

        // append the sender name if it is set
        // always append it if we use the v1 api (it is required in v1)
        if ($this->version == self::API_V1 || $this->name !== null) {
            $dataArray['from'] = (string) $this->name;

        return http_build_query($dataArray);

     * Builds the header of the API Call
     * @param  string $content
     * @return string
    private function buildHeader($content)
        if ($this->version == self::API_V1) {
            $header = "POST /v1/rooms/message?format=json&auth_token={$this->token} HTTP/1.1\r\n";
        } else {
            // needed for rooms with special (spaces, etc) characters in the name
            $room = rawurlencode($this->room);
            $header = "POST /v2/room/{$room}/notification?auth_token={$this->token} HTTP/1.1\r\n";

        $header .= "Host: {$this->host}\r\n";
        $header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
        $header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($content) . "\r\n";
        $header .= "\r\n";

        return $header;

     * Assigns a color to each level of log records.
     * @param  int    $level
     * @return string
    protected function getAlertColor($level)
        switch (true) {
            case $level >= Logger::ERROR:
                return 'red';
            case $level >= Logger::WARNING:
                return 'yellow';
            case $level >= Logger::INFO:
                return 'green';
            case $level == Logger::DEBUG:
                return 'gray';
                return 'yellow';

     * {@inheritdoc}
     * @param array $record
    protected function write(array $record)

     * Finalizes the request by reading some bytes and then closing the socket
     * If we do not read some but close the socket too early, hipchat sometimes
     * drops the request entirely.
    protected function finalizeWrite()
        $res = $this->getResource();
        if (is_resource($res)) {
            @fread($res, 2048);

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function handleBatch(array $records)
        if (count($records) == 0) {
            return true;

        $batchRecords = $this->combineRecords($records);

        $handled = false;
        foreach ($batchRecords as $batchRecord) {
            if ($this->isHandling($batchRecord)) {
                $handled = true;

        if (!$handled) {
            return false;

        return false === $this->bubble;

     * Combines multiple records into one. Error level of the combined record
     * will be the highest level from the given records. Datetime will be taken
     * from the first record.
     * @param $records
     * @return array
    private function combineRecords($records)
        $batchRecord = null;
        $batchRecords = array();
        $messages = array();
        $formattedMessages = array();
        $level = 0;
        $levelName = null;
        $datetime = null;

        foreach ($records as $record) {
            $record = $this->processRecord($record);

            if ($record['level'] > $level) {
                $level = $record['level'];
                $levelName = $record['level_name'];

            if (null === $datetime) {
                $datetime = $record['datetime'];

            $messages[] = $record['message'];
            $messageStr = implode(PHP_EOL, $messages);
            $formattedMessages[] = $this->getFormatter()->format($record);
            $formattedMessageStr = implode('', $formattedMessages);

            $batchRecord = array(
                'message'   => $messageStr,
                'formatted' => $formattedMessageStr,
                'context'   => array(),
                'extra'     => array(),

            if (!$this->validateStringLength($batchRecord['formatted'], static::MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_LENGTH)) {
                // Pop the last message and implode the remaining messages
                $lastMessage = array_pop($messages);
                $lastFormattedMessage = array_pop($formattedMessages);
                $batchRecord['message'] = implode(PHP_EOL, $messages);
                $batchRecord['formatted'] = implode('', $formattedMessages);

                $batchRecords[] = $batchRecord;
                $messages = array($lastMessage);
                $formattedMessages = array($lastFormattedMessage);

                $batchRecord = null;

        if (null !== $batchRecord) {
            $batchRecords[] = $batchRecord;

        // Set the max level and datetime for all records
        foreach ($batchRecords as &$batchRecord) {
            $batchRecord = array_merge(
                    'level'      => $level,
                    'level_name' => $levelName,
                    'datetime'   => $datetime,

        return $batchRecords;

     * Validates the length of a string.
     * If the `mb_strlen()` function is available, it will use that, as HipChat
     * allows UTF-8 characters. Otherwise, it will fall back to `strlen()`.
     * Note that this might cause false failures in the specific case of using
     * a valid name with less than 16 characters, but 16 or more bytes, on a
     * system where `mb_strlen()` is unavailable.
     * @param string $str
     * @param int    $length
     * @return bool
    private function validateStringLength($str, $length)
        if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
            return (mb_strlen($str) <= $length);

        return (strlen($str) <= $length);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Curl Folder 0755
FingersCrossed Folder 0755
Slack Folder 0755
SyslogUdp Folder 0755
AbstractHandler.php File 4.28 KB 0644
AbstractProcessingHandler.php File 1.5 KB 0644
AbstractSyslogHandler.php File 3.29 KB 0644
AmqpHandler.php File 3.78 KB 0644
BrowserConsoleHandler.php File 7.21 KB 0644
BufferHandler.php File 3.58 KB 0644
ChromePHPHandler.php File 5.48 KB 0644
CouchDBHandler.php File 1.91 KB 0644
CubeHandler.php File 4.52 KB 0644
DeduplicationHandler.php File 5.35 KB 0644
DoctrineCouchDBHandler.php File 1000 B 0644
DynamoDbHandler.php File 2.38 KB 0644
ElasticSearchHandler.php File 3.33 KB 0644
ErrorLogHandler.php File 2.31 KB 0644
FilterHandler.php File 4.32 KB 0644
FingersCrossedHandler.php File 5.77 KB 0644
FirePHPHandler.php File 5.33 KB 0644
FleepHookHandler.php File 3.28 KB 0644
FlowdockHandler.php File 3.28 KB 0644
GelfHandler.php File 1.91 KB 0644
GroupHandler.php File 2.69 KB 0644
HandlerInterface.php File 2.53 KB 0644
HandlerWrapper.php File 2.31 KB 0644
HipChatHandler.php File 10.51 KB 0644
IFTTTHandler.php File 2.06 KB 0644
InsightOpsHandler.php File 1.83 KB 0644
LogEntriesHandler.php File 1.58 KB 0644
LogglyHandler.php File 2.56 KB 0644
MailHandler.php File 1.58 KB 0644
MandrillHandler.php File 2.11 KB 0644
MissingExtensionException.php File 450 B 0644
MongoDBHandler.php File 1.57 KB 0644
NativeMailerHandler.php File 5.08 KB 0644
NewRelicHandler.php File 6.06 KB 0644
NullHandler.php File 953 B 0644
PHPConsoleHandler.php File 9.76 KB 0644
PsrHandler.php File 1.4 KB 0644
PushoverHandler.php File 6.47 KB 0644
RavenHandler.php File 6.96 KB 0644
RedisHandler.php File 2.82 KB 0644
RollbarHandler.php File 3.85 KB 0644
RotatingFileHandler.php File 5.75 KB 0644
SamplingHandler.php File 2.61 KB 0644
SlackHandler.php File 6.3 KB 0644
SlackWebhookHandler.php File 3.73 KB 0644
SlackbotHandler.php File 1.98 KB 0644
SocketHandler.php File 9.58 KB 0644
StreamHandler.php File 5.1 KB 0644
SwiftMailerHandler.php File 3.36 KB 0644
SyslogHandler.php File 1.8 KB 0644
SyslogUdpHandler.php File 2.51 KB 0644
TestHandler.php File 5.01 KB 0644
WhatFailureGroupHandler.php File 1.76 KB 0644
ZendMonitorHandler.php File 2.19 KB 0644