* This file is part of the Monolog package.
* (c) Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Monolog\Formatter;
* @covers Monolog\Formatter\NormalizerFormatter
class NormalizerFormatterTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function tearDown()
\PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Warning::$enabled = true;
return parent::tearDown();
public function testFormat()
$formatter = new NormalizerFormatter('Y-m-d');
$formatted = $formatter->format(array(
'level_name' => 'ERROR',
'channel' => 'meh',
'message' => 'foo',
'datetime' => new \DateTime,
'extra' => array('foo' => new TestFooNorm, 'bar' => new TestBarNorm, 'baz' => array(), 'res' => fopen('php://memory', 'rb')),
'context' => array(
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'qux',
'inf' => INF,
'-inf' => -INF,
'nan' => acos(4),
'level_name' => 'ERROR',
'channel' => 'meh',
'message' => 'foo',
'datetime' => date('Y-m-d'),
'extra' => array(
'foo' => '[object] (Monolog\\Formatter\\TestFooNorm: {"foo":"foo"})',
'bar' => '[object] (Monolog\\Formatter\\TestBarNorm: bar)',
'baz' => array(),
'res' => '[resource] (stream)',
'context' => array(
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'qux',
'inf' => 'INF',
'-inf' => '-INF',
'nan' => 'NaN',
), $formatted);
public function testFormatExceptions()
$formatter = new NormalizerFormatter('Y-m-d');
$e = new \LogicException('bar');
$e2 = new \RuntimeException('foo', 0, $e);
$formatted = $formatter->format(array(
'exception' => $e2,
$this->assertGreaterThan(5, count($formatted['exception']['trace']));
unset($formatted['exception']['trace'], $formatted['exception']['previous']);
'exception' => array(
'class' => get_class($e2),
'message' => $e2->getMessage(),
'code' => $e2->getCode(),
'file' => $e2->getFile().':'.$e2->getLine(),
), $formatted);
public function testFormatSoapFaultException()
if (!class_exists('SoapFault')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Requires the soap extension');
$formatter = new NormalizerFormatter('Y-m-d');
$e = new \SoapFault('foo', 'bar', 'hello', 'world');
$formatted = $formatter->format(array(
'exception' => $e,
'exception' => array(
'class' => 'SoapFault',
'message' => 'bar',
'code' => 0,
'file' => $e->getFile().':'.$e->getLine(),
'faultcode' => 'foo',
'faultactor' => 'hello',
'detail' => 'world',
), $formatted);
public function testFormatToStringExceptionHandle()
$formatter = new NormalizerFormatter('Y-m-d');
$this->setExpectedException('RuntimeException', 'Could not convert to string');
'myObject' => new TestToStringError(),
public function testBatchFormat()
$formatter = new NormalizerFormatter('Y-m-d');
$formatted = $formatter->formatBatch(array(
'level_name' => 'CRITICAL',
'channel' => 'test',
'message' => 'bar',
'context' => array(),
'datetime' => new \DateTime,
'extra' => array(),
'level_name' => 'WARNING',
'channel' => 'log',
'message' => 'foo',
'context' => array(),
'datetime' => new \DateTime,
'extra' => array(),
'level_name' => 'CRITICAL',
'channel' => 'test',
'message' => 'bar',
'context' => array(),
'datetime' => date('Y-m-d'),
'extra' => array(),
'level_name' => 'WARNING',
'channel' => 'log',
'message' => 'foo',
'context' => array(),
'datetime' => date('Y-m-d'),
'extra' => array(),
), $formatted);
* Test issue #137
public function testIgnoresRecursiveObjectReferences()
// set up the recursion
$foo = new \stdClass();
$bar = new \stdClass();
$foo->bar = $bar;
$bar->foo = $foo;
// set an error handler to assert that the error is not raised anymore
$that = $this;
set_error_handler(function ($level, $message, $file, $line, $context) use ($that) {
if (error_reporting() & $level) {
$that->fail("$message should not be raised");
$formatter = new NormalizerFormatter();
$reflMethod = new \ReflectionMethod($formatter, 'toJson');
$res = $reflMethod->invoke($formatter, array($foo, $bar), true);
$this->assertEquals(@json_encode(array($foo, $bar)), $res);
public function testCanNormalizeReferences()
$formatter = new NormalizerFormatter();
$x = array('foo' => 'bar');
$y = array('x' => &$x);
$x['y'] = &$y;
public function testIgnoresInvalidTypes()
// set up the recursion
$resource = fopen(__FILE__, 'r');
// set an error handler to assert that the error is not raised anymore
$that = $this;
set_error_handler(function ($level, $message, $file, $line, $context) use ($that) {
if (error_reporting() & $level) {
$that->fail("$message should not be raised");
$formatter = new NormalizerFormatter();
$reflMethod = new \ReflectionMethod($formatter, 'toJson');
$res = $reflMethod->invoke($formatter, array($resource), true);
$this->assertEquals(@json_encode(array($resource)), $res);
public function testNormalizeHandleLargeArraysWithExactly1000Items()
$formatter = new NormalizerFormatter();
$largeArray = range(1, 1000);
$res = $formatter->format(array(
'level_name' => 'CRITICAL',
'channel' => 'test',
'message' => 'bar',
'context' => array($largeArray),
'datetime' => new \DateTime,
'extra' => array(),
$this->assertCount(1000, $res['context'][0]);
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey('...', $res['context'][0]);
public function testNormalizeHandleLargeArrays()
$formatter = new NormalizerFormatter();
$largeArray = range(1, 2000);
$res = $formatter->format(array(
'level_name' => 'CRITICAL',
'channel' => 'test',
'message' => 'bar',
'context' => array($largeArray),
'datetime' => new \DateTime,
'extra' => array(),
$this->assertCount(1001, $res['context'][0]);
$this->assertEquals('Over 1000 items (2000 total), aborting normalization', $res['context'][0]['...']);
* @expectedException RuntimeException
public function testThrowsOnInvalidEncoding()
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5.0', '<')) {
// Ignore the warning that will be emitted by PHP <5.5.0
\PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Warning::$enabled = false;
$formatter = new NormalizerFormatter();
$reflMethod = new \ReflectionMethod($formatter, 'toJson');
// send an invalid unicode sequence as a object that can't be cleaned
$record = new \stdClass;
$record->message = "\xB1\x31";
$res = $reflMethod->invoke($formatter, $record);
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50500 && $res === '{"message":null}') {
throw new \RuntimeException('PHP 5.3/5.4 throw a warning and null the value instead of returning false entirely');
public function testConvertsInvalidEncodingAsLatin9()
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5.0', '<')) {
// Ignore the warning that will be emitted by PHP <5.5.0
\PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Warning::$enabled = false;
$formatter = new NormalizerFormatter();
$reflMethod = new \ReflectionMethod($formatter, 'toJson');
$res = $reflMethod->invoke($formatter, array('message' => "\xA4\xA6\xA8\xB4\xB8\xBC\xBD\xBE"));
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5.0', '>=')) {
$this->assertSame('{"message":"€ŠšŽžŒœŸ"}', $res);
} else {
// PHP <5.5 does not return false for an element encoding failure,
// instead it emits a warning (possibly) and nulls the value.
$this->assertSame('{"message":null}', $res);
* @param mixed $in Input
* @param mixed $expect Expected output
* @covers Monolog\Formatter\NormalizerFormatter::detectAndCleanUtf8
* @dataProvider providesDetectAndCleanUtf8
public function testDetectAndCleanUtf8($in, $expect)
$formatter = new NormalizerFormatter();
$this->assertSame($expect, $in);
public function providesDetectAndCleanUtf8()
$obj = new \stdClass;
return array(
'null' => array(null, null),
'int' => array(123, 123),
'float' => array(123.45, 123.45),
'bool false' => array(false, false),
'bool true' => array(true, true),
'ascii string' => array('abcdef', 'abcdef'),
'latin9 string' => array("\xB1\x31\xA4\xA6\xA8\xB4\xB8\xBC\xBD\xBE\xFF", '±1€ŠšŽžŒœŸÿ'),
'unicode string' => array('¤¦¨´¸¼½¾€ŠšŽžŒœŸ', '¤¦¨´¸¼½¾€ŠšŽžŒœŸ'),
'empty array' => array(array(), array()),
'array' => array(array('abcdef'), array('abcdef')),
'object' => array($obj, $obj),
* @param int $code
* @param string $msg
* @dataProvider providesHandleJsonErrorFailure
public function testHandleJsonErrorFailure($code, $msg)
$formatter = new NormalizerFormatter();
$reflMethod = new \ReflectionMethod($formatter, 'handleJsonError');
$this->setExpectedException('RuntimeException', $msg);
$reflMethod->invoke($formatter, $code, 'faked');
public function providesHandleJsonErrorFailure()
return array(
'depth' => array(JSON_ERROR_DEPTH, 'Maximum stack depth exceeded'),
'state' => array(JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH, 'Underflow or the modes mismatch'),
'ctrl' => array(JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR, 'Unexpected control character found'),
'default' => array(-1, 'Unknown error'),
public function testExceptionTraceWithArgs()
if (defined('HHVM_VERSION')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Not supported in HHVM since it detects errors differently');
// This happens i.e. in React promises or Guzzle streams where stream wrappers are registered
// and no file or line are included in the trace because it's treated as internal function
set_error_handler(function ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
throw new \ErrorException($errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, $errline);
try {
// This will contain $resource and $wrappedResource as arguments in the trace item
$resource = fopen('php://memory', 'rw+');
fwrite($resource, 'test_resource');
$wrappedResource = new TestFooNorm;
$wrappedResource->foo = $resource;
// Just do something stupid with a resource/wrapped resource as argument
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$formatter = new NormalizerFormatter();
$record = array('context' => array('exception' => $e));
$result = $formatter->format($record);
'%"resource":"\[resource\] \(stream\)"%',
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5.0', '>=')) {
$pattern = '%"wrappedResource":"\[object\] \(Monolog\\\\\\\\Formatter\\\\\\\\TestFooNorm: \)"%';
} else {
$pattern = '%\\\\"foo\\\\":null%';
// Tests that the wrapped resource is ignored while encoding, only works for PHP <= 5.4
public function testExceptionTraceDoesNotLeakCallUserFuncArgs()
try {
$arg = new TestInfoLeak;
call_user_func(array($this, 'throwHelper'), $arg, $dt = new \DateTime());
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$formatter = new NormalizerFormatter();
$record = array('context' => array('exception' => $e));
$result = $formatter->format($record);
'{"function":"throwHelper","class":"Monolog\\\\Formatter\\\\NormalizerFormatterTest","type":"->","args":["[object] (Monolog\\\\Formatter\\\\TestInfoLeak)","'.$dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s').'"]}',
private function throwHelper($arg)
throw new \RuntimeException('Thrown');
class TestFooNorm
public $foo = 'foo';
class TestBarNorm
public function __toString()
return 'bar';
class TestStreamFoo
public $foo;
public $resource;
public function __construct($resource)
$this->resource = $resource;
$this->foo = 'BAR';
public function __toString()
fseek($this->resource, 0);
return $this->foo . ' - ' . (string) stream_get_contents($this->resource);
class TestToStringError
public function __toString()
throw new \RuntimeException('Could not convert to string');
class TestInfoLeak
public function __toString()
return 'Sensitive information';