<?php /* * This file is part of the Monolog package. * * (c) Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\ElasticaFormatter; use Monolog\Formatter\NormalizerFormatter; use Monolog\TestCase; use Monolog\Logger; use Elastica\Client; use Elastica\Request; use Elastica\Response; class ElasticSearchHandlerTest extends TestCase { /** * @var Client mock */ protected $client; /** * @var array Default handler options */ protected $options = array( 'index' => 'my_index', 'type' => 'doc_type', ); public function setUp() { // Elastica lib required if (!class_exists("Elastica\Client")) { $this->markTestSkipped("ruflin/elastica not installed"); } // base mock Elastica Client object $this->client = $this->getMockBuilder('Elastica\Client') ->setMethods(array('addDocuments')) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); } /** * @covers Monolog\Handler\ElasticSearchHandler::write * @covers Monolog\Handler\ElasticSearchHandler::handleBatch * @covers Monolog\Handler\ElasticSearchHandler::bulkSend * @covers Monolog\Handler\ElasticSearchHandler::getDefaultFormatter */ public function testHandle() { // log message $msg = array( 'level' => Logger::ERROR, 'level_name' => 'ERROR', 'channel' => 'meh', 'context' => array('foo' => 7, 'bar', 'class' => new \stdClass), 'datetime' => new \DateTime("@0"), 'extra' => array(), 'message' => 'log', ); // format expected result $formatter = new ElasticaFormatter($this->options['index'], $this->options['type']); $expected = array($formatter->format($msg)); // setup ES client mock $this->client->expects($this->any()) ->method('addDocuments') ->with($expected); // perform tests $handler = new ElasticSearchHandler($this->client, $this->options); $handler->handle($msg); $handler->handleBatch(array($msg)); } /** * @covers Monolog\Handler\ElasticSearchHandler::setFormatter */ public function testSetFormatter() { $handler = new ElasticSearchHandler($this->client); $formatter = new ElasticaFormatter('index_new', 'type_new'); $handler->setFormatter($formatter); $this->assertInstanceOf('Monolog\Formatter\ElasticaFormatter', $handler->getFormatter()); $this->assertEquals('index_new', $handler->getFormatter()->getIndex()); $this->assertEquals('type_new', $handler->getFormatter()->getType()); } /** * @covers Monolog\Handler\ElasticSearchHandler::setFormatter * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException * @expectedExceptionMessage ElasticSearchHandler is only compatible with ElasticaFormatter */ public function testSetFormatterInvalid() { $handler = new ElasticSearchHandler($this->client); $formatter = new NormalizerFormatter(); $handler->setFormatter($formatter); } /** * @covers Monolog\Handler\ElasticSearchHandler::__construct * @covers Monolog\Handler\ElasticSearchHandler::getOptions */ public function testOptions() { $expected = array( 'index' => $this->options['index'], 'type' => $this->options['type'], 'ignore_error' => false, ); $handler = new ElasticSearchHandler($this->client, $this->options); $this->assertEquals($expected, $handler->getOptions()); } /** * @covers Monolog\Handler\ElasticSearchHandler::bulkSend * @dataProvider providerTestConnectionErrors */ public function testConnectionErrors($ignore, $expectedError) { $clientOpts = array('host' => '', 'port' => 1); $client = new Client($clientOpts); $handlerOpts = array('ignore_error' => $ignore); $handler = new ElasticSearchHandler($client, $handlerOpts); if ($expectedError) { $this->setExpectedException($expectedError[0], $expectedError[1]); $handler->handle($this->getRecord()); } else { $this->assertFalse($handler->handle($this->getRecord())); } } /** * @return array */ public function providerTestConnectionErrors() { return array( array(false, array('RuntimeException', 'Error sending messages to Elasticsearch')), array(true, false), ); } /** * Integration test using localhost Elastic Search server * * @covers Monolog\Handler\ElasticSearchHandler::__construct * @covers Monolog\Handler\ElasticSearchHandler::handleBatch * @covers Monolog\Handler\ElasticSearchHandler::bulkSend * @covers Monolog\Handler\ElasticSearchHandler::getDefaultFormatter */ public function testHandleIntegration() { $msg = array( 'level' => Logger::ERROR, 'level_name' => 'ERROR', 'channel' => 'meh', 'context' => array('foo' => 7, 'bar', 'class' => new \stdClass), 'datetime' => new \DateTime("@0"), 'extra' => array(), 'message' => 'log', ); $expected = $msg; $expected['datetime'] = $msg['datetime']->format(\DateTime::ISO8601); $expected['context'] = array( 'class' => '[object] (stdClass: {})', 'foo' => 7, 0 => 'bar', ); $client = new Client(); $handler = new ElasticSearchHandler($client, $this->options); try { $handler->handleBatch(array($msg)); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { $this->markTestSkipped("Cannot connect to Elastic Search server on localhost"); } // check document id from ES server response $documentId = $this->getCreatedDocId($client->getLastResponse()); $this->assertNotEmpty($documentId, 'No elastic document id received'); // retrieve document source from ES and validate $document = $this->getDocSourceFromElastic( $client, $this->options['index'], $this->options['type'], $documentId ); $this->assertEquals($expected, $document); // remove test index from ES $client->request("/{$this->options['index']}", Request::DELETE); } /** * Return last created document id from ES response * @param Response $response Elastica Response object * @return string|null */ protected function getCreatedDocId(Response $response) { $data = $response->getData(); if (!empty($data['items'][0]['create']['_id'])) { return $data['items'][0]['create']['_id']; } } /** * Retrieve document by id from Elasticsearch * @param Client $client Elastica client * @param string $index * @param string $type * @param string $documentId * @return array */ protected function getDocSourceFromElastic(Client $client, $index, $type, $documentId) { $resp = $client->request("/{$index}/{$type}/{$documentId}", Request::GET); $data = $resp->getData(); if (!empty($data['_source'])) { return $data['_source']; } return array(); } }