[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $

 * Run the script indefinitely seconds with the loop from the factory and report every 2 seconds:
 * php 95-benchmark-memory.php
 * Run the script for 30 seconds with the stream_select loop and report every 10 seconds:
 * php 95-benchmark-memory.php -t 30 -l StreamSelect -r 10

use React\EventLoop\Factory;
use React\EventLoop\LoopInterface;
use React\EventLoop\TimerInterface;

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

$args = getopt('t:l:r:');
$t  = isset($args['t']) ? (int)$args['t'] : 0;
$loop = isset($args['l']) && class_exists('React\EventLoop\\' . $args['l'] . 'Loop') ? 'React\EventLoop\\' . $args['l'] . 'Loop' : Factory::create();

if (!($loop instanceof LoopInterface)) {
    $loop = new $loop();

$r = isset($args['r']) ? (int)$args['r'] : 2;

$runs = 0;

if (5 < $t) {
    $loop->addTimer($t, function () use ($loop) {


$loop->addPeriodicTimer(0.001, function () use (&$runs, $loop) {

    $loop->addPeriodicTimer(1, function (TimerInterface $timer) use ($loop) {

$loop->addPeriodicTimer($r, function () use (&$runs) {
    $kmem = round(memory_get_usage() / 1024);
    $kmemReal = round(memory_get_usage(true) / 1024);
    echo "Runs:\t\t\t$runs\n";
    echo "Memory (internal):\t$kmem KiB\n";
    echo "Memory (real):\t\t$kmemReal KiB\n";
    echo str_repeat('-', 50), "\n";

echo "PHP Version:\t\t", phpversion(), "\n";
echo "Loop\t\t\t", get_class($loop), "\n";
echo "Time\t\t\t", date('r'), "\n";

echo str_repeat('-', 50), "\n";

$beginTime = time();
$endTime = time();
$timeTaken = $endTime - $beginTime;

echo "PHP Version:\t\t", phpversion(), "\n";
echo "Loop\t\t\t", get_class($loop), "\n";
echo "Time\t\t\t", date('r'), "\n";
echo "Time taken\t\t", $timeTaken, " seconds\n";
echo "Runs per second\t\t", round($runs / $timeTaken), "\n";


Name Type Size Permission Actions
01-timers.php File 239 B 0644
02-periodic.php File 315 B 0644
03-ticks.php File 222 B 0644
04-signals.php File 504 B 0644
11-consume-stdin.php File 787 B 0644
12-generate-yes.php File 1.3 KB 0644
13-http-client-blocking.php File 822 B 0644
14-http-client-async.php File 1.76 KB 0644
21-http-server.php File 1.04 KB 0644
91-benchmark-ticks.php File 250 B 0644
92-benchmark-timers.php File 251 B 0644
93-benchmark-ticks-delay.php File 396 B 0644
94-benchmark-timers-delay.php File 396 B 0644
95-benchmark-memory.php File 1.85 KB 0644