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namespace React\Stream;

use Evenement\EventEmitter;
use React\EventLoop\LoopInterface;
use InvalidArgumentException;

final class DuplexResourceStream extends EventEmitter implements DuplexStreamInterface
    private $stream;
    private $loop;

     * Controls the maximum buffer size in bytes to read at once from the stream.
     * This can be a positive number which means that up to X bytes will be read
     * at once from the underlying stream resource. Note that the actual number
     * of bytes read may be lower if the stream resource has less than X bytes
     * currently available.
     * This can be `-1` which means read everything available from the
     * underlying stream resource.
     * This should read until the stream resource is not readable anymore
     * (i.e. underlying buffer drained), note that this does not neccessarily
     * mean it reached EOF.
     * @var int
    private $bufferSize;
    private $buffer;

    private $readable = true;
    private $writable = true;
    private $closing = false;
    private $listening = false;

    public function __construct($stream, LoopInterface $loop, $readChunkSize = null, WritableStreamInterface $buffer = null)
        if (!\is_resource($stream) || \get_resource_type($stream) !== "stream") {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('First parameter must be a valid stream resource');

        // ensure resource is opened for reading and wrting (fopen mode must contain "+")
        $meta = \stream_get_meta_data($stream);
        if (isset($meta['mode']) && $meta['mode'] !== '' && \strpos($meta['mode'], '+') === false) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Given stream resource is not opened in read and write mode');

        // this class relies on non-blocking I/O in order to not interrupt the event loop
        // e.g. pipes on Windows do not support this: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=47918
        if (\stream_set_blocking($stream, 0) !== true) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to set stream resource to non-blocking mode');

        // Use unbuffered read operations on the underlying stream resource.
        // Reading chunks from the stream may otherwise leave unread bytes in
        // PHP's stream buffers which some event loop implementations do not
        // trigger events on (edge triggered).
        // This does not affect the default event loop implementation (level
        // triggered), so we can ignore platforms not supporting this (HHVM).
        // Pipe streams (such as STDIN) do not seem to require this and legacy
        // PHP versions cause SEGFAULTs on unbuffered pipe streams, so skip this.
        if (\function_exists('stream_set_read_buffer') && !$this->isLegacyPipe($stream)) {
            \stream_set_read_buffer($stream, 0);

        if ($buffer === null) {
            $buffer = new WritableResourceStream($stream, $loop);

        $this->stream = $stream;
        $this->loop = $loop;
        $this->bufferSize = ($readChunkSize === null) ? 65536 : (int)$readChunkSize;
        $this->buffer = $buffer;

        $that = $this;

        $this->buffer->on('error', function ($error) use ($that) {
            $that->emit('error', array($error));

        $this->buffer->on('close', array($this, 'close'));

        $this->buffer->on('drain', function () use ($that) {


    public function isReadable()
        return $this->readable;

    public function isWritable()
        return $this->writable;

    public function pause()
        if ($this->listening) {
            $this->listening = false;

    public function resume()
        if (!$this->listening && $this->readable) {
            $this->loop->addReadStream($this->stream, array($this, 'handleData'));
            $this->listening = true;

    public function write($data)
        if (!$this->writable) {
            return false;

        return $this->buffer->write($data);

    public function close()
        if (!$this->writable && !$this->closing) {

        $this->closing = false;

        $this->readable = false;
        $this->writable = false;


        if (\is_resource($this->stream)) {

    public function end($data = null)
        if (!$this->writable) {

        $this->closing = true;

        $this->readable = false;
        $this->writable = false;


    public function pipe(WritableStreamInterface $dest, array $options = array())
        return Util::pipe($this, $dest, $options);

    /** @internal */
    public function handleData($stream)
        $error = null;
        \set_error_handler(function ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) use (&$error) {
            $error = new \ErrorException(

        $data = \stream_get_contents($stream, $this->bufferSize);


        if ($error !== null) {
            $this->emit('error', array(new \RuntimeException('Unable to read from stream: ' . $error->getMessage(), 0, $error)));

        if ($data !== '') {
            $this->emit('data', array($data));
        } elseif (\feof($this->stream)) {
            // no data read => we reached the end and close the stream

     * Returns whether this is a pipe resource in a legacy environment
     * This works around a legacy PHP bug (#61019) that was fixed in PHP 5.4.28+
     * and PHP 5.5.12+ and newer.
     * @param resource $resource
     * @return bool
     * @link https://github.com/reactphp/child-process/issues/40
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    private function isLegacyPipe($resource)
        if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 50428 || (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50500 && \PHP_VERSION_ID < 50512)) {
            $meta = \stream_get_meta_data($resource);

            if (isset($meta['stream_type']) && $meta['stream_type'] === 'STDIO') {
                return true;
        return false;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
CompositeStream.php File 1.82 KB 0644
DuplexResourceStream.php File 6.64 KB 0644
DuplexStreamInterface.php File 1.68 KB 0644
ReadableResourceStream.php File 5.58 KB 0644
ReadableStreamInterface.php File 13.9 KB 0644
ThroughStream.php File 4.81 KB 0644
Util.php File 2.23 KB 0644
WritableResourceStream.php File 5.31 KB 0644
WritableStreamInterface.php File 14.4 KB 0644