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namespace React\Stream;

use Evenement\EventEmitterInterface;

 * The `WritableStreamInterface` is responsible for providing an interface for
 * write-only streams and the writable side of duplex streams.
 * Besides defining a few methods, this interface also implements the
 * `EventEmitterInterface` which allows you to react to certain events:
 * drain event:
 *     The `drain` event will be emitted whenever the write buffer became full
 *     previously and is now ready to accept more data.
 *     ```php
 *     $stream->on('drain', function () use ($stream) {
 *         echo 'Stream is now ready to accept more data';
 *     });
 *     ```
 *     This event SHOULD be emitted once every time the buffer became full
 *     previously and is now ready to accept more data.
 *     In other words, this event MAY be emitted any number of times, which may
 *     be zero times if the buffer never became full in the first place.
 *     This event SHOULD NOT be emitted if the buffer has not become full
 *     previously.
 *     This event is mostly used internally, see also `write()` for more details.
 * pipe event:
 *     The `pipe` event will be emitted whenever a readable stream is `pipe()`d
 *     into this stream.
 *     The event receives a single `ReadableStreamInterface` argument for the
 *     source stream.
 *     ```php
 *     $stream->on('pipe', function (ReadableStreamInterface $source) use ($stream) {
 *         echo 'Now receiving piped data';
 *         // explicitly close target if source emits an error
 *         $source->on('error', function () use ($stream) {
 *             $stream->close();
 *         });
 *     });
 *     $source->pipe($stream);
 *     ```
 *     This event MUST be emitted once for each readable stream that is
 *     successfully piped into this destination stream.
 *     In other words, this event MAY be emitted any number of times, which may
 *     be zero times if no stream is ever piped into this stream.
 *     This event MUST NOT be emitted if either the source is not readable
 *     (closed already) or this destination is not writable (closed already).
 *     This event is mostly used internally, see also `pipe()` for more details.
 * error event:
 *     The `error` event will be emitted once a fatal error occurs, usually while
 *     trying to write to this stream.
 *     The event receives a single `Exception` argument for the error instance.
 *     ```php
 *     $stream->on('error', function (Exception $e) {
 *         echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
 *     });
 *     ```
 *     This event SHOULD be emitted once the stream detects a fatal error, such
 *     as a fatal transmission error.
 *     It SHOULD NOT be emitted after a previous `error` or `close` event.
 *     It MUST NOT be emitted if this is not a fatal error condition, such as
 *     a temporary network issue that did not cause any data to be lost.
 *     After the stream errors, it MUST close the stream and SHOULD thus be
 *     followed by a `close` event and then switch to non-writable mode, see
 *     also `close()` and `isWritable()`.
 *     Many common streams (such as a TCP/IP connection or a file-based stream)
 *     only deal with data transmission and may choose
 *     to only emit this for a fatal transmission error once and will then
 *     close (terminate) the stream in response.
 *     If this stream is a `DuplexStreamInterface`, you should also notice
 *     how the readable side of the stream also implements an `error` event.
 *     In other words, an error may occur while either reading or writing the
 *     stream which should result in the same error processing.
 * close event:
 *     The `close` event will be emitted once the stream closes (terminates).
 *     ```php
 *     $stream->on('close', function () {
 *         echo 'CLOSED';
 *     });
 *     ```
 *     This event SHOULD be emitted once or never at all, depending on whether
 *     the stream ever terminates.
 *     It SHOULD NOT be emitted after a previous `close` event.
 *     After the stream is closed, it MUST switch to non-writable mode,
 *     see also `isWritable()`.
 *     This event SHOULD be emitted whenever the stream closes, irrespective of
 *     whether this happens implicitly due to an unrecoverable error or
 *     explicitly when either side closes the stream.
 *     Many common streams (such as a TCP/IP connection or a file-based stream)
 *     will likely choose to emit this event after flushing the buffer from
 *     the `end()` method, after receiving a *successful* `end` event or after
 *     a fatal transmission `error` event.
 *     If this stream is a `DuplexStreamInterface`, you should also notice
 *     how the readable side of the stream also implements a `close` event.
 *     In other words, after receiving this event, the stream MUST switch into
 *     non-writable AND non-readable mode, see also `isReadable()`.
 *     Note that this event should not be confused with the `end` event.
 * The event callback functions MUST be a valid `callable` that obeys strict
 * parameter definitions and MUST accept event parameters exactly as documented.
 * The event callback functions MUST NOT throw an `Exception`.
 * The return value of the event callback functions will be ignored and has no
 * effect, so for performance reasons you're recommended to not return any
 * excessive data structures.
 * Every implementation of this interface MUST follow these event semantics in
 * order to be considered a well-behaving stream.
 * > Note that higher-level implementations of this interface may choose to
 *   define additional events with dedicated semantics not defined as part of
 *   this low-level stream specification. Conformance with these event semantics
 *   is out of scope for this interface, so you may also have to refer to the
 *   documentation of such a higher-level implementation.
 * @see EventEmitterInterface
 * @see DuplexStreamInterface
interface WritableStreamInterface extends EventEmitterInterface
     * Checks whether this stream is in a writable state (not closed already).
     * This method can be used to check if the stream still accepts writing
     * any data or if it is ended or closed already.
     * Writing any data to a non-writable stream is a NO-OP:
     * ```php
     * assert($stream->isWritable() === false);
     * $stream->write('end'); // NO-OP
     * $stream->end('end'); // NO-OP
     * ```
     * A successfully opened stream always MUST start in writable mode.
     * Once the stream ends or closes, it MUST switch to non-writable mode.
     * This can happen any time, explicitly through `end()` or `close()` or
     * implicitly due to a remote close or an unrecoverable transmission error.
     * Once a stream has switched to non-writable mode, it MUST NOT transition
     * back to writable mode.
     * If this stream is a `DuplexStreamInterface`, you should also notice
     * how the readable side of the stream also implements an `isReadable()`
     * method. Unless this is a half-open duplex stream, they SHOULD usually
     * have the same return value.
     * @return bool
    public function isWritable();

     * Write some data into the stream.
     * A successful write MUST be confirmed with a boolean `true`, which means
     * that either the data was written (flushed) immediately or is buffered and
     * scheduled for a future write. Note that this interface gives you no
     * control over explicitly flushing the buffered data, as finding the
     * appropriate time for this is beyond the scope of this interface and left
     * up to the implementation of this interface.
     * Many common streams (such as a TCP/IP connection or file-based stream)
     * may choose to buffer all given data and schedule a future flush by using
     * an underlying EventLoop to check when the resource is actually writable.
     * If a stream cannot handle writing (or flushing) the data, it SHOULD emit
     * an `error` event and MAY `close()` the stream if it can not recover from
     * this error.
     * If the internal buffer is full after adding `$data`, then `write()`
     * SHOULD return `false`, indicating that the caller should stop sending
     * data until the buffer drains.
     * The stream SHOULD send a `drain` event once the buffer is ready to accept
     * more data.
     * Similarly, if the the stream is not writable (already in a closed state)
     * it MUST NOT process the given `$data` and SHOULD return `false`,
     * indicating that the caller should stop sending data.
     * The given `$data` argument MAY be of mixed type, but it's usually
     * recommended it SHOULD be a `string` value or MAY use a type that allows
     * representation as a `string` for maximum compatibility.
     * Many common streams (such as a TCP/IP connection or a file-based stream)
     * will only accept the raw (binary) payload data that is transferred over
     * the wire as chunks of `string` values.
     * Due to the stream-based nature of this, the sender may send any number
     * of chunks with varying sizes. There are no guarantees that these chunks
     * will be received with the exact same framing the sender intended to send.
     * In other words, many lower-level protocols (such as TCP/IP) transfer the
     * data in chunks that may be anywhere between single-byte values to several
     * dozens of kilobytes. You may want to apply a higher-level protocol to
     * these low-level data chunks in order to achieve proper message framing.
     * @param mixed|string $data
     * @return bool
    public function write($data);

     * Successfully ends the stream (after optionally sending some final data).
     * This method can be used to successfully end the stream, i.e. close
     * the stream after sending out all data that is currently buffered.
     * ```php
     * $stream->write('hello');
     * $stream->write('world');
     * $stream->end();
     * ```
     * If there's no data currently buffered and nothing to be flushed, then
     * this method MAY `close()` the stream immediately.
     * If there's still data in the buffer that needs to be flushed first, then
     * this method SHOULD try to write out this data and only then `close()`
     * the stream.
     * Once the stream is closed, it SHOULD emit a `close` event.
     * Note that this interface gives you no control over explicitly flushing
     * the buffered data, as finding the appropriate time for this is beyond the
     * scope of this interface and left up to the implementation of this
     * interface.
     * Many common streams (such as a TCP/IP connection or file-based stream)
     * may choose to buffer all given data and schedule a future flush by using
     * an underlying EventLoop to check when the resource is actually writable.
     * You can optionally pass some final data that is written to the stream
     * before ending the stream. If a non-`null` value is given as `$data`, then
     * this method will behave just like calling `write($data)` before ending
     * with no data.
     * ```php
     * // shorter version
     * $stream->end('bye');
     * // same as longer version
     * $stream->write('bye');
     * $stream->end();
     * ```
     * After calling this method, the stream MUST switch into a non-writable
     * mode, see also `isWritable()`.
     * This means that no further writes are possible, so any additional
     * `write()` or `end()` calls have no effect.
     * ```php
     * $stream->end();
     * assert($stream->isWritable() === false);
     * $stream->write('nope'); // NO-OP
     * $stream->end(); // NO-OP
     * ```
     * If this stream is a `DuplexStreamInterface`, calling this method SHOULD
     * also end its readable side, unless the stream supports half-open mode.
     * In other words, after calling this method, these streams SHOULD switch
     * into non-writable AND non-readable mode, see also `isReadable()`.
     * This implies that in this case, the stream SHOULD NOT emit any `data`
     * or `end` events anymore.
     * Streams MAY choose to use the `pause()` method logic for this, but
     * special care may have to be taken to ensure a following call to the
     * `resume()` method SHOULD NOT continue emitting readable events.
     * Note that this method should not be confused with the `close()` method.
     * @param mixed|string|null $data
     * @return void
    public function end($data = null);

     * Closes the stream (forcefully).
     * This method can be used to forcefully close the stream, i.e. close
     * the stream without waiting for any buffered data to be flushed.
     * If there's still data in the buffer, this data SHOULD be discarded.
     * ```php
     * $stream->close();
     * ```
     * Once the stream is closed, it SHOULD emit a `close` event.
     * Note that this event SHOULD NOT be emitted more than once, in particular
     * if this method is called multiple times.
     * After calling this method, the stream MUST switch into a non-writable
     * mode, see also `isWritable()`.
     * This means that no further writes are possible, so any additional
     * `write()` or `end()` calls have no effect.
     * ```php
     * $stream->close();
     * assert($stream->isWritable() === false);
     * $stream->write('nope'); // NO-OP
     * $stream->end(); // NO-OP
     * ```
     * Note that this method should not be confused with the `end()` method.
     * Unlike the `end()` method, this method does not take care of any existing
     * buffers and simply discards any buffer contents.
     * Likewise, this method may also be called after calling `end()` on a
     * stream in order to stop waiting for the stream to flush its final data.
     * ```php
     * $stream->end();
     * $loop->addTimer(1.0, function () use ($stream) {
     *     $stream->close();
     * });
     * ```
     * If this stream is a `DuplexStreamInterface`, you should also notice
     * how the readable side of the stream also implements a `close()` method.
     * In other words, after calling this method, the stream MUST switch into
     * non-writable AND non-readable mode, see also `isReadable()`.
     * @return void
     * @see ReadableStreamInterface::close()
    public function close();


Name Type Size Permission Actions
CompositeStream.php File 1.82 KB 0644
DuplexResourceStream.php File 6.64 KB 0644
DuplexStreamInterface.php File 1.68 KB 0644
ReadableResourceStream.php File 5.58 KB 0644
ReadableStreamInterface.php File 13.9 KB 0644
ThroughStream.php File 4.81 KB 0644
Util.php File 2.23 KB 0644
WritableResourceStream.php File 5.31 KB 0644
WritableStreamInterface.php File 14.4 KB 0644