[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Tests;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCompiler;

class RouteCompilerTest extends TestCase
     * @dataProvider provideCompileData
    public function testCompile($name, $arguments, $prefix, $regex, $variables, $tokens)
        $r = new \ReflectionClass('Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Route');
        $route = $r->newInstanceArgs($arguments);

        $compiled = $route->compile();
        $this->assertEquals($prefix, $compiled->getStaticPrefix(), $name.' (static prefix)');
        $this->assertEquals($regex, $compiled->getRegex(), $name.' (regex)');
        $this->assertEquals($variables, $compiled->getVariables(), $name.' (variables)');
        $this->assertEquals($tokens, $compiled->getTokens(), $name.' (tokens)');

    public function provideCompileData()
        return [
                'Static route',
                '/foo', '#^/foo$#sD', [], [
                    ['text', '/foo'],

                'Route with a variable',
                '/foo', '#^/foo/(?P<bar>[^/]++)$#sD', ['bar'], [
                    ['variable', '/', '[^/]++', 'bar'],
                    ['text', '/foo'],

                'Route with a variable that has a default value',
                ['/foo/{bar}', ['bar' => 'bar']],
                '/foo', '#^/foo(?:/(?P<bar>[^/]++))?$#sD', ['bar'], [
                    ['variable', '/', '[^/]++', 'bar'],
                    ['text', '/foo'],

                'Route with several variables',
                '/foo', '#^/foo/(?P<bar>[^/]++)/(?P<foobar>[^/]++)$#sD', ['bar', 'foobar'], [
                    ['variable', '/', '[^/]++', 'foobar'],
                    ['variable', '/', '[^/]++', 'bar'],
                    ['text', '/foo'],

                'Route with several variables that have default values',
                ['/foo/{bar}/{foobar}', ['bar' => 'bar', 'foobar' => '']],
                '/foo', '#^/foo(?:/(?P<bar>[^/]++)(?:/(?P<foobar>[^/]++))?)?$#sD', ['bar', 'foobar'], [
                    ['variable', '/', '[^/]++', 'foobar'],
                    ['variable', '/', '[^/]++', 'bar'],
                    ['text', '/foo'],

                'Route with several variables but some of them have no default values',
                ['/foo/{bar}/{foobar}', ['bar' => 'bar']],
                '/foo', '#^/foo/(?P<bar>[^/]++)/(?P<foobar>[^/]++)$#sD', ['bar', 'foobar'], [
                    ['variable', '/', '[^/]++', 'foobar'],
                    ['variable', '/', '[^/]++', 'bar'],
                    ['text', '/foo'],

                'Route with an optional variable as the first segment',
                ['/{bar}', ['bar' => 'bar']],
                '', '#^/(?P<bar>[^/]++)?$#sD', ['bar'], [
                    ['variable', '/', '[^/]++', 'bar'],

                'Route with a requirement of 0',
                ['/{bar}', ['bar' => null], ['bar' => '0']],
                '', '#^/(?P<bar>0)?$#sD', ['bar'], [
                    ['variable', '/', '0', 'bar'],

                'Route with an optional variable as the first segment with requirements',
                ['/{bar}', ['bar' => 'bar'], ['bar' => '(foo|bar)']],
                '', '#^/(?P<bar>(?:foo|bar))?$#sD', ['bar'], [
                    ['variable', '/', '(?:foo|bar)', 'bar'],

                'Route with only optional variables',
                ['/{foo}/{bar}', ['foo' => 'foo', 'bar' => 'bar']],
                '', '#^/(?P<foo>[^/]++)?(?:/(?P<bar>[^/]++))?$#sD', ['foo', 'bar'], [
                    ['variable', '/', '[^/]++', 'bar'],
                    ['variable', '/', '[^/]++', 'foo'],

                'Route with a variable in last position',
                '/foo-', '#^/foo\-(?P<bar>[^/]++)$#sD', ['bar'], [
                    ['variable', '-', '[^/]++', 'bar'],
                    ['text', '/foo'],

                'Route with nested placeholders',
                '/{static', '#^/\{static(?P<var>[^/]+)static\}$#sD', ['var'], [
                    ['text', 'static}'],
                    ['variable', '', '[^/]+', 'var'],
                    ['text', '/{static'],

                'Route without separator between variables',
                ['/{w}{x}{y}{z}.{_format}', ['z' => 'default-z', '_format' => 'html'], ['y' => '(y|Y)']],
                '', '#^/(?P<w>[^/\.]+)(?P<x>[^/\.]+)(?P<y>(?:y|Y))(?:(?P<z>[^/\.]++)(?:\.(?P<_format>[^/]++))?)?$#sD', ['w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '_format'], [
                    ['variable', '.', '[^/]++', '_format'],
                    ['variable', '', '[^/\.]++', 'z'],
                    ['variable', '', '(?:y|Y)', 'y'],
                    ['variable', '', '[^/\.]+', 'x'],
                    ['variable', '/', '[^/\.]+', 'w'],

                'Route with a format',
                '/foo', '#^/foo/(?P<bar>[^/\.]++)\.(?P<_format>[^/]++)$#sD', ['bar', '_format'], [
                    ['variable', '.', '[^/]++', '_format'],
                    ['variable', '/', '[^/\.]++', 'bar'],
                    ['text', '/foo'],

                'Static non UTF-8 route',
                "/fo\xE9", "#^/fo\xE9$#sD", [], [
                    ['text', "/fo\xE9"],

                'Route with an explicit UTF-8 requirement',
                ['/{bar}', ['bar' => null], ['bar' => '.'], ['utf8' => true]],
                '', '#^/(?P<bar>.)?$#sDu', ['bar'], [
                    ['variable', '/', '.', 'bar', true],

     * @dataProvider provideCompileImplicitUtf8Data
     * @expectedException \LogicException
    public function testCompileImplicitUtf8Data($name, $arguments, $prefix, $regex, $variables, $tokens, $deprecationType)
        $r = new \ReflectionClass('Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Route');
        $route = $r->newInstanceArgs($arguments);

        $compiled = $route->compile();
        $this->assertEquals($prefix, $compiled->getStaticPrefix(), $name.' (static prefix)');
        $this->assertEquals($regex, $compiled->getRegex(), $name.' (regex)');
        $this->assertEquals($variables, $compiled->getVariables(), $name.' (variables)');
        $this->assertEquals($tokens, $compiled->getTokens(), $name.' (tokens)');

    public function provideCompileImplicitUtf8Data()
        return [
                'Static UTF-8 route',
                '/foé', '#^/foé$#sDu', [], [
                    ['text', '/foé'],

                'Route with an implicit UTF-8 requirement',
                ['/{bar}', ['bar' => null], ['bar' => 'é']],
                '', '#^/(?P<bar>é)?$#sDu', ['bar'], [
                    ['variable', '/', 'é', 'bar', true],

                'Route with a UTF-8 class requirement',
                ['/{bar}', ['bar' => null], ['bar' => '\pM']],
                '', '#^/(?P<bar>\pM)?$#sDu', ['bar'], [
                    ['variable', '/', '\pM', 'bar', true],

                'Route with a UTF-8 separator',
                ['/foo/{bar}§{_format}', [], [], ['compiler_class' => Utf8RouteCompiler::class]],
                '/foo', '#^/foo/(?P<bar>[^/§]++)§(?P<_format>[^/]++)$#sDu', ['bar', '_format'], [
                    ['variable', '§', '[^/]++', '_format', true],
                    ['variable', '/', '[^/§]++', 'bar', true],
                    ['text', '/foo'],

     * @expectedException \LogicException
    public function testRouteWithSameVariableTwice()
        $route = new Route('/{name}/{name}');

        $compiled = $route->compile();

     * @expectedException \LogicException
    public function testRouteCharsetMismatch()
        $route = new Route("/\xE9/{bar}", [], ['bar' => '.'], ['utf8' => true]);

        $compiled = $route->compile();

     * @expectedException \LogicException
    public function testRequirementCharsetMismatch()
        $route = new Route('/foo/{bar}', [], ['bar' => "\xE9"], ['utf8' => true]);

        $compiled = $route->compile();

     * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
    public function testRouteWithFragmentAsPathParameter()
        $route = new Route('/{_fragment}');

        $compiled = $route->compile();

     * @dataProvider getVariableNamesStartingWithADigit
     * @expectedException \DomainException
    public function testRouteWithVariableNameStartingWithADigit($name)
        $route = new Route('/{'.$name.'}');

    public function getVariableNamesStartingWithADigit()
        return [

     * @dataProvider provideCompileWithHostData
    public function testCompileWithHost($name, $arguments, $prefix, $regex, $variables, $pathVariables, $tokens, $hostRegex, $hostVariables, $hostTokens)
        $r = new \ReflectionClass('Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Route');
        $route = $r->newInstanceArgs($arguments);

        $compiled = $route->compile();
        $this->assertEquals($prefix, $compiled->getStaticPrefix(), $name.' (static prefix)');
        $this->assertEquals($regex, str_replace(["\n", ' '], '', $compiled->getRegex()), $name.' (regex)');
        $this->assertEquals($variables, $compiled->getVariables(), $name.' (variables)');
        $this->assertEquals($pathVariables, $compiled->getPathVariables(), $name.' (path variables)');
        $this->assertEquals($tokens, $compiled->getTokens(), $name.' (tokens)');
        $this->assertEquals($hostRegex, str_replace(["\n", ' '], '', $compiled->getHostRegex()), $name.' (host regex)');
        $this->assertEquals($hostVariables, $compiled->getHostVariables(), $name.' (host variables)');
        $this->assertEquals($hostTokens, $compiled->getHostTokens(), $name.' (host tokens)');

    public function provideCompileWithHostData()
        return [
                'Route with host pattern',
                ['/hello', [], [], [], 'www.example.com'],
                '/hello', '#^/hello$#sD', [], [], [
                    ['text', '/hello'],
                '#^www\.example\.com$#sDi', [], [
                    ['text', 'www.example.com'],
                'Route with host pattern and some variables',
                ['/hello/{name}', [], [], [], 'www.example.{tld}'],
                '/hello', '#^/hello/(?P<name>[^/]++)$#sD', ['tld', 'name'], ['name'], [
                    ['variable', '/', '[^/]++', 'name'],
                    ['text', '/hello'],
                '#^www\.example\.(?P<tld>[^\.]++)$#sDi', ['tld'], [
                    ['variable', '.', '[^\.]++', 'tld'],
                    ['text', 'www.example'],
                'Route with variable at beginning of host',
                ['/hello', [], [], [], '{locale}.example.{tld}'],
                '/hello', '#^/hello$#sD', ['locale', 'tld'], [], [
                    ['text', '/hello'],
                '#^(?P<locale>[^\.]++)\.example\.(?P<tld>[^\.]++)$#sDi', ['locale', 'tld'], [
                    ['variable', '.', '[^\.]++', 'tld'],
                    ['text', '.example'],
                    ['variable', '', '[^\.]++', 'locale'],
                'Route with host variables that has a default value',
                ['/hello', ['locale' => 'a', 'tld' => 'b'], [], [], '{locale}.example.{tld}'],
                '/hello', '#^/hello$#sD', ['locale', 'tld'], [], [
                    ['text', '/hello'],
                '#^(?P<locale>[^\.]++)\.example\.(?P<tld>[^\.]++)$#sDi', ['locale', 'tld'], [
                    ['variable', '.', '[^\.]++', 'tld'],
                    ['text', '.example'],
                    ['variable', '', '[^\.]++', 'locale'],

     * @expectedException \DomainException
    public function testRouteWithTooLongVariableName()
        $route = new Route(sprintf('/{%s}', str_repeat('a', RouteCompiler::VARIABLE_MAXIMUM_LENGTH + 1)));

     * @dataProvider provideRemoveCapturingGroup
    public function testRemoveCapturingGroup($regex, $requirement)
        $route = new Route('/{foo}', [], ['foo' => $requirement]);

        $this->assertSame($regex, $route->compile()->getRegex());

    public function provideRemoveCapturingGroup()
        yield ['#^/(?P<foo>a(?:b|c)(?:d|e)f)$#sD', 'a(b|c)(d|e)f'];
        yield ['#^/(?P<foo>a\(b\)c)$#sD', 'a\(b\)c'];
        yield ['#^/(?P<foo>(?:b))$#sD', '(?:b)'];
        yield ['#^/(?P<foo>(?(b)b))$#sD', '(?(b)b)'];
        yield ['#^/(?P<foo>(*F))$#sD', '(*F)'];
        yield ['#^/(?P<foo>(?:(?:foo)))$#sD', '((foo))'];

class Utf8RouteCompiler extends RouteCompiler
    const SEPARATORS = '/§';


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Annotation Folder 0755
DependencyInjection Folder 0755
Fixtures Folder 0755
Generator Folder 0755
Loader Folder 0755
Matcher Folder 0755
CompiledRouteTest.php File 1.04 KB 0644
RequestContextTest.php File 5.49 KB 0644
RouteCollectionBuilderTest.php File 14.88 KB 0644
RouteCollectionTest.php File 14.92 KB 0644
RouteCompilerTest.php File 14.26 KB 0644
RouteTest.php File 14.34 KB 0644
RouterTest.php File 4.99 KB 0644