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botdev@ ~ $
 * Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

namespace Google\Auth;

use Google\Auth\Credentials\InsecureCredentials;
use Google\Auth\Credentials\ServiceAccountCredentials;
use Google\Auth\Credentials\UserRefreshCredentials;
use GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface;
use RuntimeException;
use UnexpectedValueException;

 * CredentialsLoader contains the behaviour used to locate and find default
 * credentials files on the file system.
abstract class CredentialsLoader implements
    const TOKEN_CREDENTIAL_URI = 'https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token';
    const WELL_KNOWN_PATH = 'gcloud/application_default_credentials.json';
    const NON_WINDOWS_WELL_KNOWN_PATH_BASE = '.config';
    const MTLS_WELL_KNOWN_PATH = '.secureConnect/context_aware_metadata.json';

     * @param string $cause
     * @return string
    private static function unableToReadEnv($cause)
        $msg = 'Unable to read the credential file specified by ';
        $msg .= $cause;

        return $msg;

     * @return bool
    private static function isOnWindows()
        return strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN';

     * Returns the currently available major Guzzle version.
     * @return int
    private static function getGuzzleMajorVersion()
        if (defined('GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::MAJOR_VERSION')) {
            return ClientInterface::MAJOR_VERSION;

        if (defined('GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::VERSION')) {
            return (int) substr(ClientInterface::VERSION, 0, 1);

        throw new \Exception('Version not supported');

     * Load a JSON key from the path specified in the environment.
     * Load a JSON key from the path specified in the environment
     * variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS. Return null if
     * @return array|null JSON key | null
    public static function fromEnv()
        $path = getenv(self::ENV_VAR);
        if (empty($path)) {
        if (!file_exists($path)) {
            $cause = 'file ' . $path . ' does not exist';
            throw new \DomainException(self::unableToReadEnv($cause));
        $jsonKey = file_get_contents($path);
        return json_decode($jsonKey, true);

     * Load a JSON key from a well known path.
     * The well known path is OS dependent:
     * * windows: %APPDATA%/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json
     * * others: $HOME/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json
     * If the file does not exist, this returns null.
     * @return array|null JSON key | null
    public static function fromWellKnownFile()
        $rootEnv = self::isOnWindows() ? 'APPDATA' : 'HOME';
        $path = [getenv($rootEnv)];
        if (!self::isOnWindows()) {
            $path[] = self::NON_WINDOWS_WELL_KNOWN_PATH_BASE;
        $path[] = self::WELL_KNOWN_PATH;
        $path = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path);
        if (!file_exists($path)) {
        $jsonKey = file_get_contents($path);
        return json_decode($jsonKey, true);

     * Create a new Credentials instance.
     * @param string|array $scope the scope of the access request, expressed
     *        either as an Array or as a space-delimited String.
     * @param array $jsonKey the JSON credentials.
     * @param string|array $defaultScope The default scope to use if no
     *   user-defined scopes exist, expressed either as an Array or as a
     *   space-delimited string.
     * @return ServiceAccountCredentials|UserRefreshCredentials
    public static function makeCredentials(
        array $jsonKey,
        $defaultScope = null
    ) {
        if (!array_key_exists('type', $jsonKey)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('json key is missing the type field');

        if ($jsonKey['type'] == 'service_account') {
            // Do not pass $defaultScope to ServiceAccountCredentials
            return new ServiceAccountCredentials($scope, $jsonKey);

        if ($jsonKey['type'] == 'authorized_user') {
            $anyScope = $scope ?: $defaultScope;
            return new UserRefreshCredentials($anyScope, $jsonKey);

        throw new \InvalidArgumentException('invalid value in the type field');

     * Create an authorized HTTP Client from an instance of FetchAuthTokenInterface.
     * @param FetchAuthTokenInterface $fetcher is used to fetch the auth token
     * @param array $httpClientOptions (optional) Array of request options to apply.
     * @param callable $httpHandler (optional) http client to fetch the token.
     * @param callable $tokenCallback (optional) function to be called when a new token is fetched.
     * @return \GuzzleHttp\Client
    public static function makeHttpClient(
        FetchAuthTokenInterface $fetcher,
        array $httpClientOptions = [],
        callable $httpHandler = null,
        callable $tokenCallback = null
    ) {
        if (self::getGuzzleMajorVersion() === 5) {
            $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client($httpClientOptions);
            $client->setDefaultOption('auth', 'google_auth');
            $subscriber = new Subscriber\AuthTokenSubscriber(
            return $client;

        $middleware = new Middleware\AuthTokenMiddleware(
        $stack = \GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack::create();

        return new \GuzzleHttp\Client([
            'handler' => $stack,
            'auth' => 'google_auth',
        ] + $httpClientOptions);

     * Create a new instance of InsecureCredentials.
     * @return InsecureCredentials
    public static function makeInsecureCredentials()
        return new InsecureCredentials();

     * export a callback function which updates runtime metadata.
     * @return array updateMetadata function
     * @deprecated
    public function getUpdateMetadataFunc()
        return array($this, 'updateMetadata');

     * Updates metadata with the authorization token.
     * @param array $metadata metadata hashmap
     * @param string $authUri optional auth uri
     * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request
     * @return array updated metadata hashmap
    public function updateMetadata(
        $authUri = null,
        callable $httpHandler = null
    ) {
        if (isset($metadata[self::AUTH_METADATA_KEY])) {
            // Auth metadata has already been set
            return $metadata;
        $result = $this->fetchAuthToken($httpHandler);
        if (!isset($result['access_token'])) {
            return $metadata;
        $metadata_copy = $metadata;
        $metadata_copy[self::AUTH_METADATA_KEY] = array('Bearer ' . $result['access_token']);

        return $metadata_copy;

     * Gets a callable which returns the default device certification.
     * @throws UnexpectedValueException
     * @return callable|null
    public static function getDefaultClientCertSource()
        if (!$clientCertSourceJson = self::loadDefaultClientCertSourceFile()) {
            return null;
        $clientCertSourceCmd = $clientCertSourceJson['cert_provider_command'];

        return function () use ($clientCertSourceCmd) {
            $cmd = array_map('escapeshellarg', $clientCertSourceCmd);
            exec(implode(' ', $cmd), $output, $returnVar);

            if (0 === $returnVar) {
                return implode(PHP_EOL, $output);
            throw new RuntimeException(
                '"cert_provider_command" failed with a nonzero exit code'

     * Determines whether or not the default device certificate should be loaded.
     * @return bool
    public static function shouldLoadClientCertSource()
        return filter_var(getenv(self::MTLS_CERT_ENV_VAR), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);

    private static function loadDefaultClientCertSourceFile()
        $rootEnv = self::isOnWindows() ? 'APPDATA' : 'HOME';
        $path = sprintf('%s/%s', getenv($rootEnv), self::MTLS_WELL_KNOWN_PATH);
        if (!file_exists($path)) {
            return null;
        $jsonKey = file_get_contents($path);
        $clientCertSourceJson = json_decode($jsonKey, true);
        if (!$clientCertSourceJson) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException('Invalid client cert source JSON');
        if (!isset($clientCertSourceJson['cert_provider_command'])) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException(
                'cert source requires "cert_provider_command"'
        if (!is_array($clientCertSourceJson['cert_provider_command'])) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException(
                'cert source expects "cert_provider_command" to be an array'
        return $clientCertSourceJson;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Cache Folder 2755
Credentials Folder 2755
HttpHandler Folder 2755
Middleware Folder 2755
Subscriber Folder 2755
AccessToken.php File 17.25 KB 0644
ApplicationDefaultCredentials.php File 12.73 KB 0644
CacheTrait.php File 2.12 KB 0644
CredentialsLoader.php File 10.06 KB 0644
FetchAuthTokenCache.php File 8.38 KB 0644
FetchAuthTokenInterface.php File 1.61 KB 0644
GCECache.php File 2.43 KB 0644
GetQuotaProjectInterface.php File 947 B 0644
Iam.php File 3.07 KB 0644
OAuth2.php File 36.35 KB 0644
ProjectIdProviderInterface.php File 962 B 0644
ServiceAccountSignerTrait.php File 1.8 KB 0644
SignBlobInterface.php File 1.5 KB 0644
UpdateMetadataInterface.php File 1.2 KB 0644