<?php # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! # source: google/api/usage.proto namespace Google\Api; use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType; use Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField; use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBUtil; /** * Configuration controlling usage of a service. * * Generated from protobuf message <code>google.api.Usage</code> */ class Usage extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message { /** * Requirements that must be satisfied before a consumer project can use the * service. Each requirement is of the form <service.name>/<requirement-id>; * for example 'serviceusage.googleapis.com/billing-enabled'. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>repeated string requirements = 1;</code> */ private $requirements; /** * A list of usage rules that apply to individual API methods. * **NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>repeated .google.api.UsageRule rules = 6;</code> */ private $rules; /** * The full resource name of a channel used for sending notifications to the * service producer. * Google Service Management currently only supports * [Google Cloud Pub/Sub](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub) as a notification * channel. To use Google Cloud Pub/Sub as the channel, this must be the name * of a Cloud Pub/Sub topic that uses the Cloud Pub/Sub topic name format * documented in https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/overview. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>string producer_notification_channel = 7;</code> */ private $producer_notification_channel = ''; /** * Constructor. * * @param array $data { * Optional. Data for populating the Message object. * * @type string[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $requirements * Requirements that must be satisfied before a consumer project can use the * service. Each requirement is of the form <service.name>/<requirement-id>; * for example 'serviceusage.googleapis.com/billing-enabled'. * @type \Google\Api\UsageRule[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $rules * A list of usage rules that apply to individual API methods. * **NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order. * @type string $producer_notification_channel * The full resource name of a channel used for sending notifications to the * service producer. * Google Service Management currently only supports * [Google Cloud Pub/Sub](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub) as a notification * channel. To use Google Cloud Pub/Sub as the channel, this must be the name * of a Cloud Pub/Sub topic that uses the Cloud Pub/Sub topic name format * documented in https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/overview. * } */ public function __construct($data = NULL) { \GPBMetadata\Google\Api\Usage::initOnce(); parent::__construct($data); } /** * Requirements that must be satisfied before a consumer project can use the * service. Each requirement is of the form <service.name>/<requirement-id>; * for example 'serviceusage.googleapis.com/billing-enabled'. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>repeated string requirements = 1;</code> * @return \Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField */ public function getRequirements() { return $this->requirements; } /** * Requirements that must be satisfied before a consumer project can use the * service. Each requirement is of the form <service.name>/<requirement-id>; * for example 'serviceusage.googleapis.com/billing-enabled'. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>repeated string requirements = 1;</code> * @param string[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $var * @return $this */ public function setRequirements($var) { $arr = GPBUtil::checkRepeatedField($var, \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::STRING); $this->requirements = $arr; return $this; } /** * A list of usage rules that apply to individual API methods. * **NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>repeated .google.api.UsageRule rules = 6;</code> * @return \Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField */ public function getRules() { return $this->rules; } /** * A list of usage rules that apply to individual API methods. * **NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>repeated .google.api.UsageRule rules = 6;</code> * @param \Google\Api\UsageRule[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $var * @return $this */ public function setRules($var) { $arr = GPBUtil::checkRepeatedField($var, \Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType::MESSAGE, \Google\Api\UsageRule::class); $this->rules = $arr; return $this; } /** * The full resource name of a channel used for sending notifications to the * service producer. * Google Service Management currently only supports * [Google Cloud Pub/Sub](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub) as a notification * channel. To use Google Cloud Pub/Sub as the channel, this must be the name * of a Cloud Pub/Sub topic that uses the Cloud Pub/Sub topic name format * documented in https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/overview. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>string producer_notification_channel = 7;</code> * @return string */ public function getProducerNotificationChannel() { return $this->producer_notification_channel; } /** * The full resource name of a channel used for sending notifications to the * service producer. * Google Service Management currently only supports * [Google Cloud Pub/Sub](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub) as a notification * channel. To use Google Cloud Pub/Sub as the channel, this must be the name * of a Cloud Pub/Sub topic that uses the Cloud Pub/Sub topic name format * documented in https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/overview. * * Generated from protobuf field <code>string producer_notification_channel = 7;</code> * @param string $var * @return $this */ public function setProducerNotificationChannel($var) { GPBUtil::checkString($var, True); $this->producer_notification_channel = $var; return $this; } }